3 Best Devastator Builds For Outriders WorldSlayer

In this video I am going to show 3 great Devastator builds, and which PAX skills you should pick up to make them even better in WorldSlayer. With each of these I will take you through what makes the builds work, a build summary, and then a look at the PAX skill trees.

0:00:00 3 Best Devastator Builds
0:00:19 Seismic Commander Anomaly Build
0:03:43 Build Guide Summary
0:03:49 PAX Skill Tree
0:04:20 Firepower Build
0:08:19 Build Guide Summary
0:08:30 PAX Skill Tree
0:09:53 Tank Build
0:12:22 Build Guide Summary
0:12:27 PAX Skill Tree

For more Devastator builds, check out my channel or following the links here:

Do This To Max Your Outriders Devastator Anomaly Builds | Outriders New Horizon

Outriders Devastator Impale Build in 90 Seconds | Outriders New Horizon

Outriders Devastator Firepower Build – Best AoE Damage | Outriders New Horizon

Outriders Devastator Tank Build For Easy CT15 Clears | Outriders New Horizon

Best All Round Build For Outriders New Horizon | Devastator Seismic Commander

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7 thoughts on “3 Best Devastator Builds For Outriders WorldSlayer”

  1. I’m really looking forward to Worldslayer to finally run a FP build on devastator since it’s been my main since the demo. Also hoping they will really fix the statue set: it’s hard to not get staggered in close range. Great builds btw, even if I prefer to run impale instead of leap on the seismic commander build. 😎

  2. I've been having a play with Gravity Leap on and using either the Juggler as you have here or the Umbra with Kinetic Stomp and Claymore Torrent although I'd like to give the Funeral Pyre a try as well, I lose a couple of mods I like with swapping in Gravity Leap ones but hopefully with the Apoc gear I can get those back in somewhere but at the same time in WS I can remove the Blood Shock mod thanks to the new Pax tree.

  3. Firepower Devastator is hot garbage, Golem or the statue set needs a knockback immunity in order to even start being viable. I can not dps if I spend most of the time getting up, because the majority of my damage is close up and personal. Just my opinion no offense intended.


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