BEST ERUPTION BUILD! Outriders Endgame Pyromancer Build! Legendary Armor Set Acari! Tempest!

Best Pyromancer Build In Outriders! The Triple Eruption Build with Heatwave Buff from Legendary Armor Set Acari is big DPS! Anomaly builds are king for Pyro and this one I think offers the best crowd control and single target burst. My favorite way to Legendary Farm on Pyromancer. Bottom Tree Tempest Build. Make Endgame a breeze!

Outriders Legendary Farm –
Outriders Playlist w/ Legendary Weapons –

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#Outriders #Build #Pyromancer


29 thoughts on “BEST ERUPTION BUILD! Outriders Endgame Pyromancer Build! Legendary Armor Set Acari! Tempest!”

  1. After running and gunning for so long thought id try this, and OH MAN is it fun! Just need some of the armour pieces to really make it shine/fry.

  2. Love your build vids but legos like dont drop for me. i can run up to tier 13 but stuff just doesnt drop for me when i get gold. So much of th4ese builds need these good mods but i dont have accesss to any of them.

  3. I’ve been thinking of making an anomaly build with ash breaker & speccing it around thermal bomb. It’s actually not too crazy.

    You’re doing +70% damage to ashed enemies with only one mod.

    Then you get a +45% anomaly boost with only one perk point.

  4. Yeah I was doing a volcano rounds build but I think your build fits my play style better. I am currently only level 12 on my Pyromancer and using volcano rounds, feed the flames and thermal bomb.😅

  5. Do you consider the lava set as good ? I got pretty high numbers with it in combination with the phaser beam that buffs anomaly and eruption. just changed to acari.


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