Best Technomancer Build for Grinding Content! OUTRIDERS

Here is the exact build I used to crush all the content with the Technomancer. YOU CAN DO THIS WITH NO LEGENDARIES! Be Sure to HIT that SUBSCRIBE …


18 thoughts on “Best Technomancer Build for Grinding Content! OUTRIDERS”

  1. While the world is waiting to start this game, some already finished it 😀 😀 😀 that is what i call fairness 😀
    Still I m gonna use this build if it is that OP.

  2. like the content however who is the dumb fuck who came out with these release times where some people get the game early an get to beat the game seems legit

  3. one mod you have says that when shield is active, you recycle bullets (dont use ammo). changing one of your gun mods to shield maiden would extend the magazine that much further, ESPECIALLY against bosses. plus, give you a buffer. =) (in theory. im pc a player. fun hasnt started for me).

  4. I’m level 5-6..

    The turret is amazing, it freezes bosses and regular enemy types alike.

    So I use that to start the fight whilst I mop up with whatever early guns Iv found along the way, the barrage is really powerful but not particularly accurate, and the hand mine thing is useful to cover blind spots.

    Can’t wait to get at the higher levels!

  5. Your build fucking sucks if your at WT9 level 21 cause I am upto the mentor story fucking and I am getting shred to death with this build it does not work under level 27 it sucks>:(

  6. Could someone tell me if a tech shaman is worth getting? I can’t decide if If I want to be a DPS like this vid or a more support class for Co Op


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