GET ALL NEW T3 MODS in Outriders WORLDSLAYER in MINUTES (without having to kill anything)

Want to get all of the new T3 weapon and armor mods in Outriders Wordslayer in minutes without having to kill a single monster in …


11 thoughts on “GET ALL NEW T3 MODS in Outriders WORLDSLAYER in MINUTES (without having to kill anything)”

  1. Funny thing is everyone that does this will be complaining in probably a week over having nothing left to do, 😂 😂 now tell me you're a trash player without telling me you're trash 😂😂😂

  2. So a level 50 with tonnes of legendary required first. Over playthroughs with 3 classes ive never come close to finding more than 10 legendaries, so i guess i can't do this.


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