Get Legendaries Guaranteed in Outriders – Farming Method

This is a guaranteed way to get legendaries and farm them in Outriders. Resetting beast hunts and completing them will always grant a legendary drop. Find my …


24 thoughts on “Get Legendaries Guaranteed in Outriders – Farming Method”

  1. I'm trying to do this now and its fucking infuriating. The map is so worthless. The icons aren't in the right places, you can't track it. You have no map orientation. It's so fucking annoying.

  2. The same here ,after your last live on youtube, i bought the game and i don't regret it ,well except the freaking connection issue of course, i couldn't play at all the first day 😱

  3. You’ve probably already recorded a video in response to this but just in case you didn’t. Square Enix/People Can Fly said to not use this method as this is an exploit & that there would be consequences for players that do abuse this.

    Regardless, love the content TV…very excited to see you covering this game along with Destiny.

  4. If you turn to tier 1 and just run both the hunts and wanted until the last for 15 u can easily do them in like 30-35 minutes so almost 4 guaranteed legendaries an hour without needing endgame gear.

  5. I’m loving the game as well. And I’m still on my first character. I haven’t had any bugs in the game since I e been playing besides the server problems on the first day. I hope the game does well and we get dlc later

  6. I think you get a guaranteed legendary every time you kill the Chrysaloid boss too. Can someone else confirm this? I had to do it twice due to some bug I encountered or drop out and I swear I got a legendary from it both.


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