Legendaries Every 10 Minutes! Fastest Outriders Legendary Farm // How to Get Legendary Sets

Fastest, not the easiest legendary farm in Outriders! If you enjoyed the video, be sure to drop a like, comment and subscribe!

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Track: Sub Urban – Cradles [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/Hn4sfC2PbhI
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/CradlesYO



32 thoughts on “Legendaries Every 10 Minutes! Fastest Outriders Legendary Farm // How to Get Legendary Sets”

  1. Game is garbage. Reasons… Played since day 1 demo and day 1 of launch.. Had fun with demo and looked promising! But…. After Playing full realease and half way through story i as many of my friends who are playing are extremely dissappointed.. Summed up.. Its a sh!t version of destiny meets anthem trying to be BL3 with horrible RNG and level scaling. Lets just talk about server crashing! Constantly after launch and alone you cant play the game you spent 60 bucks on because they(PCF/Enix) force you to be connected to their servers (that crash) to Play!? .. WTF!?…PCF.. Take Notes from GearBox and learn how to do it right. Love your BL3 content@moxsy Stay away from this turd of a game.

  2. Moxsy is playing your game? Get ready for a wave of nerfs!

    I hope all of you are enjoying the game for now, because Moxsy is about to piss all over it.

    Ask the Borderlands community.

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    他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1617550877

  4. Am i the only one that thinks this game isnt worth £50 ? Remnant from the ashes is half its price and is basically the same game, am i missing something here ?

  5. So I’m about to hit world tier 15 been a annoying grind honestly do what’s the best build for devastator’ right now my builds the high fire power one top tree and my armor is moded to always have his tank mode active non stop and goes as long as I can get gets kills I’m also 80 percent more resistant in it while active more then normal not sure of the skill brain fart I tried doing these I can survive just fine but even with this build which does the most dps and has probably better survival then middle tree with the set up I can’t clear these damn things at tier 4 with a gold time ugh I’ve gotten a lot of toys since I last tried

    its really tough for us to progress.. I see you and many others throwing hundreds of thousands of damages around.. yet my friend (a pyro) and me (a devastator) can't even reach close to those numbers… we dont know how to progress further, and I really do not understand how you can push challange tiers SO fast…

    for me as a devastator I really struggel at ct 12 now.. as a dev I do not have a bullet skill, so if I do a weapon build I do BARELY any damage, even with triggering everything for weapon damage, getting a full weapon damage build with bleed "infinite ammo", I dont get infinite ammo because my damage is just to low and I ran out of ammo before beeing able to kill an elite.. all my gear is level 47 for that build and I use the legendary autoshotgun with ultimate bleed.

    Originally I wanted to play a "caster" melee bleed like build with tons of bleed damage.. but even with full anomaly power, maxed out status damage, bleed barely does any damage, melee does no damage. and my skills rightnow hit for about 50k.. which is enough to kill groups of small enemies yes.. but is almost unable to kill an elite, let alone a boss.. melee even with 50% faster cd, 400% damage still barely tickles enemies.. I have 900% increased skill damage.. and seeing the numbers you need to put out to deal with a ct 15 enemy.. how are my spells suppose to hit for so much? are they even able to? none the less I returned to that build now.

    my set up is earthquake for bleeding and damage and armor, the football rush for even more armor, and tremor for heals and a bit of aoe damage. I use a lifesteal smg with the tier 3 meteor effect and chains of death, to be able to at least deal some gun damage with those procs, which thankfully dont scale with weapon damage I think. again all my gear is level 47, with about 80k anomaly power in town….

    how do I improve my game from here? is a caster playstyle even playable? please help! any help is appreciated


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