Outriders – 7 LUCKIEST LEGENDARY LOOT DROPS EVER! – WTF? – 2 Legendaries From 1 Enemy?!!

7 of the luckiest Outriders loot drops you will ever see!
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43 thoughts on “Outriders – 7 LUCKIEST LEGENDARY LOOT DROPS EVER! – WTF? – 2 Legendaries From 1 Enemy?!!”

  1. Sorry dude. I don't trust anyone playing on pc posting these videos. The rng for legendaries is absolutely abysmal, like less than half of a %. Its deceptive and encouraging a lot of people to waste their time.

  2. Anyone else having problems with the devastetor skill gravety leap? seems too cancel 50% of the time when i click the left mouse button, just lands nicely right down on the ground.

  3. I have had probably 16-17 drop. I have all of them except the ice based AR.. Now in dupe land.. I farm the Terra mission exclusively now. I can do a run in less than 40 secs killing only the Captain and the two Marksman.. Rinse repeat.. Maybe farm a couple hours a day and avg 1-2. Total capt kills seems to tip the rng in your favor. Marksman seem to drop more than the Capt. Please launch the game already! Lol.

  4. I have four lvl 7 wt5 that I rotate. Trix has 5, Dev has 3, Tech has 3, pyro has1 legendary. All I need is Amber Vault and Matchmaker. For duplicates I have 3 gaze, 2 migraine, 2 iceberg, 2 Golem's (but one went missing from inv). But I have yet to get a duplicate on the same Toon they are all spread out on my 4 toons.
    BTW I love watching you scream People People People people when you get a drop 🙂

  5. The wife and I grind pretty much nightly at this point she has 4 (pyro) I have 4 (3 on Trickster, 1 on Technomancer). However, she should of had 7. 3 of which she lost due to full inventory. 2 was double drop during 1 run. Advice, clear invent often or face dire consequences.

  6. Dude the other day I was watching your live stream and even said you should kill more mobs cuz they also have a chance to dropp:D I got 2 or 3 of my legs out of 6 from smaller mobs lol

  7. Yes…off the scale considering that the drop rate has to be less than 1/4 of 1% which equals 1 in 400 (about 6.7 hours), you do know that there are cheats out there that increase the drop rate…just sayin


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