Outriders – BEST Devastator Build For End Game CT15 INSANE Damage Guide!

Outriders – BEST Devastator Build For End Game CT15 INSANE Damage Guide!
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0:00 Intro
1:20 Skills
3:00 Skill Tree
4:15 Weapon Mods
8:25 Gear Mods
15:20 Gameplay
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#Outriders #DevastatorBuild


20 thoughts on “Outriders – BEST Devastator Build For End Game CT15 INSANE Damage Guide!”

  1. I always run out of ammo.. dont know what i do wrong.. i have all mods -.- i only dont have deathshield.. i use the anemoi atm… i think the dmg link always get the kill ? Dont know

  2. The reason the Ultimate damage link is so potent is because of the combination of the 2x perks scaling. Ultimate Damage Link (4x) Enemies 1 sec cool down no Range. so almost any one in the vicinity gets impacted coupled with Blood Lust killing increases 17k (3x), You end up have a damage x3 buff on all the time since the first perk links 4 enemies and you only need 3x to die to get the second buff if a new enemy comes in they reapply the 4 enemy buff. So as long as you keep killing ads you have a permanent x3 on blood lust 17k x 3 = 51k damage increase. on CT's enemies are all bunched up.

  3. Yo Nick, check out my build that I have uploaded. You can run boom town in less than 5 minutes with that and it’s a lot of fun 😬 if you watched watchman you might remember that scene in which dr. Manhattan kills Rorschach in the snow. This build feels exactly like it. ✌🏻😎

  4. I wonder if moaning winds is going to get nerfed, there's devas out there running 2 weapons empty on ammo and using sidearm (as apparently skills go off faster with side arm?) just rotating weapons etc..

  5. You thought about fatal symbiot? That 75% weapon damage. It has armor piercing and cd reduction and status power. Devastators have an assault weapon node that includes smgs. With 100% golem and statue set you can easily take the dmg it does to you.

  6. Hey Nick a question, I'm lvl 30 T15 and just started CT6 to grind for better gear, which is at 42 at the moment, when I noticed that it starts you at lvl 38? I would have thought it would start you at least a level above where you currently are gear wise?

  7. So question when you get the right stuff for a build (status,reduce cool down, etc.) and its lvl 38 is it worth upgrading all the way to 50? Only askong since know thats going to be a ton of materials to get it all the way to 50.

  8. No need to apologize for "unfinished" builds. The vast majority of players don't have any of the items you or other streamers have.
    Therefore I'm more interested in builds around ideas and key mods or items.

    To see what a perfect (or close to perfect) build can do is fun and all but just showing what the idea behind the build is and what the key items and mods are is more than enough for me.


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