Outriders Broadcast #5 – Coming February 24 [PEGI]

The fifth Outriders #Broadcast: “Into The Fray” will air on Wednesday February 24th and is dedicated to unveiling the game’s demo, which releases on February 25th. We will also recap what makes Outriders on PC shine and will of course dive into our regular Community Q&A. 

Join us this Thursday and prepare yourself for the Outriders Demo.

Pre-order #Outriders now: https://sqex.link/xzz

#Outriders will release April 1, 2021 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC (Steam & Epic) and Stadia.

A free demo will release February 25, 2021.

Outriders is a 1-3 player co-op RPG shooter set in an original, dark and desperate sci-fi universe. As mankind bleeds out in the trenches of Enoch, you’ll create your own Outrider and embark on a journey across the hostile planet.

Join the Outriders:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outridersgame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Outriders
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outridersgame/
Discord: https://discord.gg/outriders
VK: https://vk.com/outriders
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/outriders


27 thoughts on “Outriders Broadcast #5 – Coming February 24 [PEGI]”

  1. I'm already hesitant on whether or not the game will be good, let alone how the game will run considering that I have a base ps4 console. With all the new cross gen games barely being compatible with older systems I don't have much hope but if square can pull it off and the demo is good then it will get my day one purchase. Been looking for another good third person shooter multiplayer pve game since Remnant from the Ashes came out.

  2. Please invest in more content down the road, I already know your game will be a big hit. I just cant wait to get off work and play it every night, super excited keep up the great work. I'll back you all the way:)

  3. I am eager to try out the demo and see how the game works. From the trailers it definitely looks action packed and fun as all hell but I am concerned there isnt going to be much content toward the later stages of the game. Shooters already struggle with keeping the game fresh, my hope is interesting bosses to fight and enemies keeping you on your toes.

  4. I've been wanting hands on since I saw AngryJoe play this (or tried to play this). That was a year ago…maybe more. I am gagging for a decent looter. Not even asking great…decent will do, since the others morphed into a pile of crap.

  5. Fantastic pro-gamer practices! Demo without need to ore-order. All this transparency. Hoping hoping this game is awesome, and gets great reception, not for my own benefit, but to see these pro-gamer practices richly rewarded.

    And it seems we are all super hyped for this BUT I am hoping we do not have unrealistic expectations. It can happen where even when a game is awesome, we players get our hopes so high that they are impossible to meet and people,get disappointed because the dev doesn’t have better AI than has ever been seen before or whatever. Let’s keep our heads and give this game a fair shake.

    I’m just hoping for a shooter where the combat is exciting and satisfying, there is good build diversity fueled by good gear/powers and decent replay-ability. Deliver that and I will be thrilled.


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