Outriders: Build guide – F.A.S.E.R Beam Pyro build vs Paxian Homestead CT15

Acari head, chest and boots
Epic gloves and pants
Fortress (all weapons)
Shadow comet (primary weapon)
Moaning winds (both secondary’s)
Fire Tsunami
Burnt out
Captain hunter
Tidal wave or Ride the wave
Master Consumer
Ashen champion
Volcanic armor
Size matters
Frequent FASER

The recent buff to FASER beam has made it a complete monster. It deals tons of damage and when enough AP is absorb, can even sometimes one shot elites. We are pairing it with heatwave and overheat and with this set up, each skill has roughly the same cooldown period so you can constantly rotate them in order from HW, FB, OH. During cooldowns, use your weapon mods. The ashen champion mod causes enemies to ash which pairs great with master consumer for big damage. OH is also a great way to quickly heal when in a jam. Never forget to use it for heals! The trick to using FASER beam is to position yourself behind cover. This thing goes through walls, so line up those shots safely. If you do have to use it in the face of the enemy, volcanic armor is going to make sure they only tickle you. This build won’t give you insane speed clearing times but it is really fun to use and has high survivability. You will have no problem getting gold on CT15″S. Also, this build works great for 3 player coop, even dishing out comparable damage to FP techno’s.

Music: Aim to Head


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