Outriders – COOP – End Boss

Outriders end boss Yagak, the bullet sponge.
Pretty weak.

No, outriders does not have an end game. It is a looter shooter, with a grind to fight the exact same campaign boss at the end of a challenge system, called “expeditions”. Much like Remnant, it misses the mark with its structure model. It does not have multiple dungeons where your reward is loot and progression to take on even stronger bosses, within separate areas, and constant changes and builds (i.e. Grim Dawn/Diablo 2) existing within endless variables. It’s the same boss, and only has a minimum/maximum system that are pre-determined: a single best build for each class. This game drops the ball like most rpg element fps/tps games, and its tacked on end game is merely to satisfy those who want to repeatedly play for the sake of nostalgia, or fondness of its world, etc, rather than for its rewards and depth. Do not go in expecting an end game as you would an ARPG, as you will most certainly not get it.

It’s okay to laugh at my bored trickery muhaha!


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