Outriders deathshield shotgun – most powerful weapon for anomaly builds – best gun in the game

Outriders deathshield shotgun – most powerful legendary weapon for anomaly builds – best gun in the game
is the deathshield shotgun any good …This answers that straight up.
If your looking for a weapon to use in outriders with your anomaly build and you want an insane boost to your damage and skill power I believe hands down this is the gun for you and very possibly the best gun in the game due to it’s tier 3 mod fortress this weapon is so strong so powerful that it will allow you to run CT15 golds a lot easier than you ever have done before.
best anomaly damage weapon to use in outriders the deathshield shotgun with its tier 3 mod fortress.


5 thoughts on “Outriders deathshield shotgun – most powerful weapon for anomaly builds – best gun in the game”

  1. got it in my second expedition in the pity box (sorry everyone who's been chasing it) — only thing I use for my trickster, keeps me from going completely insane with the trickster bugs.


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