Outriders – From GARBAGE to GOD-TIER

Here are 7 easy-to-follow steps to turn “garbage” gear into the best items in the game. Outriders App: https://outriders.app/ How To …


37 thoughts on “Outriders – From GARBAGE to GOD-TIER”

  1. Awesome video! Just a side note – before you upgrade the item rarity from rare to epic, you may want to increase the item level to 50 first. Once it is max level, go ahead and upgrade it to epic. You will save a lot of titanium and drop pod resources by doing it this way.

  2. I really want to give this game a chance but I can't get over the being knocked out of cover by sniper rifles and when an enemy's head is showing you still can't snipe it, I enjoyed the game when I last played but these little things frustrate me.

  3. I do this. But what you also do in addition and this is tedious but worth it. First make a new character and skip prolog don't do anything else. Second have someone do a story skip for you. Third only complete the vendor mission which should put you at level 9 but every vendor you goto will have level 10 items and alot of green items that will have only one attribute. This is the best way for me to get every attribute and Mod I want. I look for green guns at like 350 and better and blue guns between 372 and better. Plus other benefit is that you can funnel resources to the new character to buy legends cheap from tiago.

  4. This game is inherently limited in a linear 1 dimensional way. There's a fair amount of abilities that feel different, but the guns and gunplay feel monotonous. The enemies range from weak to extreme tankiness with not a lot of mechanics that encourage teamplay. The story isn't great and the game tells it in an incoherent way. My biggest complaint is the monotony though. Anthem had the foundation to be an extremely engaging beautiful game and they blew it. Outriders doesn't have an ounce of the fun gunplay, movement options, and ability features that Anthem had. Also, I don't like how Square Enix is behind this game, yet they keep using the People Can Fly "small studio" excuse when it comes to updates on bug fixes and content.

  5. U can alt tab and exit the game if the second mod isnt what youre looking for. The game wont save it as long as you dont select a second mod for the wep. Saves so much time when min maxing mod combos

  6. With all do respect, I support your content and will continue to do so but I do not know where all these people in the comments get off agreeing with you that this works. I have played all 4 classes I have reached T15 with all of them at AVG50 I did every side mission and reset the hunts multiple times with every character furthermore I have done the hunt grind/farm in the dunes a disgusting number of times with each character and I have never once seen any weapon drop with numbers the app suggests will 90k+ at max level. Just one auto shotgun it says will supposedly reach 93k that is an insane amount of time invested to the game not to have come across one of these of any rarity anywhere.

  7. I've had the worst luck in the world since release in outriders. I've had "zero" legendary world drops since the open beta closed. My friend who I play with regularly has had legendary drops in the wild. I have had none since day one. If it wasn't from a drop pod or a failed expedition then I got it from the repeatable mission rewards or tiago. I still haven't also gotten all my skill mods for my most played trickster character. I'm about 8 shy? Also, I haven't even picked up all or even half the legendaries. I have less than a quarter of the legendary skins and when the update came, it didn't count my legendary guns I was sitting on in the bank so I should of had at least a third. Now, don't take this for me hating on the game. I wouldn't have sunk over 200 hours if I wasn't enjoying it. This is just an extreme end of the spectrum of those who can get nothing they've been hunting for or need to build upon.

  8. The God roll is brawl game shut down glitch thing yeah it's saying still does work most of the time sometimes whenever I stop the game on xbox and reload it ends up applying one of the 3 random is random 1st or 2nd rolls onto the item by the majority of the time it works flawlessly so

  9. Based on what I am experiencing, the hard reset method work for the 2nd item you upgrade. That means the first item you upgrade will a mod chosen for you even if you hard reset. I am on pc by the way

  10. Thanks for this vid Buzz. I farm in that monster hunt area but I've never really know what exactly I was looking for, I usually guess the ballpark range and hope for the best. The app will definitely help.

  11. Also, don’t forget that if you’re too low on shards or drop pod resources to level up an item on one character, dump the item in your stash and use secondary character resources to level it.

  12. Buzz check my channel when you can i made my first outriders video of me and a group of sick Pyromancers and me as a Technomancer with you’re sick build taking out the last Eye of the Storm and i got the Robes of Borealis!


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