Outriders Damage Guide. This guide will teach you a BUNCH about how damage works in Outriders. Including Armor Piercing, Resistance Piercing, and how Firepower from mods affects your overall damage. It’s all based off of categories and these categories multiplay with each other to make your damage numbers.
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You might have a recipe for the best brownies in the world on that paper. But at least it looks like you didn't a lot of time researching
Thanks cuh
I saw pencil and paper spreedsheets and notes. I can relate. I will relate.
Thanks. You kept it simple and very understanding and helpfull. You hot à New sub
I watched this whole video and I don't even have any intention of playing Outriders.
Im finally Done Grinding and Getting all the legendary sets for my 4 Classes. 300hrs im going back to hearthstone.
Do round skills go off your Anamoly power or Firepower for damage? I'm talking about the base damage.
Great can you do this with some mods as they don't work as the say/seem?
We guys are the best? No, you're the best. That was the most informative and helpful outriders video i've seen. Thank you so much.
This is the type of thing that loses me in these sorts of games. I had this problem with The Division, my builds would get owned by guys like this doing all the math, fuck math, I want to play a game not do homework.
I finally know how to calculate % math..
So, my only question now, regarding Anomaly Rounds, is Resistance Piercing nodes in your skill tree worth investing into then? Or are you better off going elsewhere. Obviously, I'm sure it depends on what you can get instead.
Would it calculate better to run 15% extra damage mods on status or get 15-20k ap damage mods?
Great video mate
You know it’s about to get real when Swing brings up his notepad and pen
Easy sub
Very helpful, thanks!
So how do "special rounds" calculate, you said differently than other powers so do they multiply with anomaly power as well.
In general do Twisted rounds(and the other rounds) stack multiplicatively with firepower and anything else (like the weapon bonus or only with bleed/burn… bonuses)?
How the hell did u take off your armor pieces?! O.o
I think you overcomplicated the Weapon Damage Bonus breakdown a bit. If you hover over Firepower (either top left or on the Player Stats panel), you'll see in the top right of the tool tip the breakdown. For my character's total Firepower at the moment, the tool tip shows "84.1k (51.7k + 32.4k)" The first number is the base weapon's Firepower that you see in the lower right of its icon. The 32.4K is the sum of all the "Bonus Firepower" on armor, the class tree's 8% increases of the base weapon's firepower, and Anomaly Enhancement on the weapon (30% of AP). The "Weapon Damage Bonus" percentage is just the ratio of Sum/Base. That ratio (+1) is what scales the DMG stat on the weapon.
i really hope they address some of the stuff in the coming patches, balancing etc.
Also it would be pretty nice if the damagebonus sub-categories would show up if they are active.
So the +Dmg to bleeding enemies will only show up in the stats screen if there is some bonus, mod / talent etc. active
Please do licker build for Annette in resident evil resistance please
Thank you for the effort sir, we were wondering what was a multiplier and how they are distinguished.