Outriders legendary loot drop rate reroll should it change? yes or no?

Outriders legendary loot drop rate reroll should it change? yes or no?
here gamers I discuss the latest People Can Fly thread where they want to discuss whether or not they should change the new update to legendary loot mainly the reroll function
where do you stand should it change or stay as it is?


8 thoughts on “Outriders legendary loot drop rate reroll should it change? yes or no?”

  1. I think its a bad idea, and like you say if your trying to get a piece of gear or weapon to dismantle it will be hard, Tiago's shop is the answer as many people have already stated.

  2. I agree it’s not a perfect system and they need to give us more legendaries when you clear CTs 14-15 from 4-5 per drop… Then increase the storage amount to 300 with a lock feature so you don’t accidentally delete something you want to keep & last, We need a loadout system like COD/Ghost of Tsushima because I tried of taking off my FP build equipment and putting on my AP build that take more time then necessary… Right now the state of the game is better then it was a month ago but if I could get the day one version with this better drop rate , better sign in, more storage space and Fire Range to test out your builds this game would be much better… But if they listen truly to the community this game come be the next No man’s Sky of Looter Shooters…

  3. I have been saying and writing this since day 1:) Lower the rarity of the rarest items and we are good:) And up the droprate even further:) This way we will still get crap drops, but like in D3, when it rains, you will get your desired lego!!

  4. Its a double edged sword yes we get duplicates now which has helped with securing mods from the gear were already wearing but we arent getting the unique pieces. Whatever they decide just dont break the game trying to fix something

  5. It doesn't work I've had more duplicates than ever. Its a completely dumb system. It makes you save garbage in your stash eating up all your space because you don't want to get it again.
    Exactly loves those 72k worthless drops, if your playing tier 15, weapons etc shouldn't drop below 85k firepower,
    Its tier 15!
    It definitely needs big changes or just get rid of so they don't cause any more problems.
    I feel like you as well legendaries need drop increase still. Nothing better than trying to get gear for character and tier 15 drops one reroll to cannonball armor? When I barely have any armor for the character thats legendary, so how is it giving me crap I have when I have maybe 3 pieces of legendary armor all together


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