Outriders: Mixed Feelings On The Demo So Far

Outriders has launched its official demo as of today, and I’ve already had a chance to beat the demo content on one character. While combat and loot seem good, the world and art direction are lacking.

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27 thoughts on “Outriders: Mixed Feelings On The Demo So Far”

  1. P.S.- This game is pretty incredible and there is nothing your trash highness can say in your pseudo-expertise that would make me think otherwise. Got it? Good, now toss off.

  2. Hi Paul – I'm new to your channel since recently getting back into Destiny 2 after a couple years off. I love your content!
    Could you talk about a couple things in your Outriders follow-up:

    1) The general sensitivity on a controller (PS5) seems to be very awkward. I've played 1st and 3rd person shooters my whole life and this one just feels off (i.e. I'm not able to finesse close range shots due to weird acceleration). Watching your MnK gameplay made me super jealous since it is completely evident that you have so much more character control. Did you notice this once you went to your PS5 controller?
    2) I'm disappointed that there is no crafting in the demo (even if we couldn't fully craft, just seeing the table or system they'll use). I know I've seen the in-game mods page during preview content, but I hate that you can break down blues w/ mods and not see them in your inventory. I also don't like that we weren't able to play around with baseline mechanics of crafting, upgrading, modding, etc.
    3) It feels very clunky to have to go through 12 cutscenes to do the replayable missions. This just seems like a weird design choice (i.e. watching Mr Chang get murdered everytime)…maybe just have a single prompt after the 1st time playing?

    Happy Friday!

  3. This game's art style reminds me of how I felt playing through Remnant: From Ashes.
    Even though it has a lot of unique guns and models along with a few set pieces that can make me interested, the overall visuals just never really hold my attention the way other games like destiny or borderlands do.
    Which more than likely just comes down to studio size and budget I'm sure, but like you said its inevitable that people will compare it to other games in the genre

  4. On my second char now. So far i like it. Graphics are good but performance is odd on PC. I am having fun with it. I like the story so far. It remindes me of a JRPG story. Interesting and a bit disjointed lol. I think it controls great. Builds look cool. I am a big fan of less open world and more instanced. I'm gonna play it a good bit during the demo and def pick it up. I'm excited to see where they take it. They need to tweak PC performance and give us more options to play with there. Also, its odd to the have cutscene where you just open a door but thats a very square thing to do lol

  5. The game is alright. It's got alot of graphic and audio bugs though. Also way too many cut scenes. The demo should have just show cased combat maybe at the level 10 or 20 range with preset loadouts. That's how monster hunter does their demos and it works pretty well.

  6. I agree with pretty much everything you said here. Also, it would be great if no game ever made an introduction tutorial like the Outriders prologue ever again. Why do I have to walk around slowly for five minutes before unlocking the ability to run?

  7. Paul made a lot of good points here but I wish he talked more about the crossplay. There aren't many games at all like this, especially looter shooters. I played with some friends on multiple platforms last night and it was a blast being able to do that. This game probably won't be a 10/10 but i seriously doubt its going to crash as hard as Anthem, Avengers, etc

  8. Graphically/artistically, this game is clearly not of AAA caliber. But if the gameplay is fun and challenging enough, who cares? We shall see! And no one can hate the developers for offering players a true "back in the old days" demo so that we can judge for ourselves before spending any money. For me, that's a 100% win for the game.

    This is something that needs to come back, especially with folks being asked to fork out 50 to 60 bucks per game. Kudos to Square Enix for being consumer-friendly. It's about time!

  9. I'm still planning to put a little more time into it, but the game really didn't grab me from the start. Also, aiming and hitting my targets is a real challenge compared to Division and Destiny.

  10. After about 8 hours in the demo. I can say the think that keeps killing me is the cover and move to/from cover. I hated division because it was basically cover or die. At least here cover is kinda a oh shit I need to get out of combat to get health. But man is it clunky as hell.
    The shaky cam on cutscenes just made me laugh. I didn't bother me just found it funny and I got over it quickly.
    Cross play was an interesting thing to get working. Two of my friends are on xbox, I'm on pc. My first friend set up the game we all joined it crashed his game. Second friend was host was choppy but the thing that was annoying was every time he opened his inventory it always went into reconnecting to host. So I hope it gets fixed for release.
    All in all I really enjoy the simplicity of this game, with the banner customization and in game challenges it gives me diablo 3 vibes and I absolutely loved diablo 3.
    I'm looking forward to full release.

  11. I will agree with what you said, I must add I played the trickster and did not like the movement the character moved like they were wading through mud, over all the game felt very generic and I had a problem with the audio in the cut scenes cutting out and the scenes would stutter and freeze. This game feels like they cobbled elements from other games together it reminds me of remnants from the ashes and gears.I have no plans to buy the game.

  12. Anthem was pretty(not 1st trailer pretty, but still…). That demo though was made me decide NOT to pre-order or buy. I think I did a free play weekend once on Xbox several weeks in but it was dead to me. Outsiders does seem kinda blah to me. I hope there is more to co.e as we head to launch. Bungie sets a bar. It won't be met with cursing and snark.

  13. My biggest problem is the cut scenes. I’ve never like shaky cam in movies and it has no place in a game cut scene. I hated it in the division 2 also. I’m one of the rare people these days that actually plays games for the story and lore. But those cutscenes make everything so jarring that it takes you out of the immersion.

    As far as lack of procedural generated environments, they are supposed to be in the endgame maps, but I digress. That’s not what we’re playing right now. The gear actually makes a difference, even at a lower level. It makes the short leveling we have right now seem more rewarding than a lot of other games out. I hope they can keep that up throughout the full release.

  14. It feels good in combat and loot could be great for their set up. It lacks some polish and I think the guns sound kinda lame to me and look a little meh. In the start of course.

    If they clean up movement and camera shake in cinema scenes that’ll be good. None of these issues are game killers. It’s a smaller studio but it has potential and a lot of these gripes are just small studio issues.

    I don’t think it’ll kill any of the current big titles. However it can become a very solid good game on its own.

    Try the demo and at least if you like it you can give a small studio a chance. They may very well surprise us and really how many other time sink games are coming out soon ?

    Just one random mans opinion.

  15. The game's story and setting seem pretty decent, but god the delivery just feels rushed and poor. The acting/delivery/writing is just bad across the board, it feels like it's a problem with the execution and not the core idea. That cryostasis timeskip could have been a really impactful, unexpected twist, but instead they kill off a bunch of characters you barely know for shock value and then rush you through all of the implications of the time skip. Just poorly handled delivery all around.
    If this game's going to be successful, the gameplay really needs to hold up.

  16. I think Outriders is a solid AA game and is fun. I feel like many people are unfairly comparing this to games with a lot larger budgets & studios that are also live service games. Some people want to view this game through the lens of unhappiness with other games and I just don't think that's fair. For what it is I think the game has a lot of nuance and is fun.


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