Outriders – native HGiG / HDR support – Test on LG CX – PS5 / Xbox Series X

Hello my friends and yes Outriders supports HGiG natively. It is not THE best game to show HDR and the overall graphic quality is just average but at least we see hopefully more games coming with native HGiG support. Please keep in mind that as always my camera has a very hard time to show you exactly what I can see. Please don’t forget to subscribe 😀


26 thoughts on “Outriders – native HGiG / HDR support – Test on LG CX – PS5 / Xbox Series X”

  1. This game doesn't look all that good and for the life of me I wondered why…turns out it's because it's also on "Last-Gen" so clearly it doesn't look truly "Next-gen"…gameplay is alright though, has my interest so far.

  2. Ok glaub dem Spiel fehlt eine richtige HDR Kalibrierung !
    Spiele es auf der XSX (LGC9)und mein Spiel sieht aus als hätte es kein HDR und es ist sehr grau!!!
    Aber ich versuche mal die HDR Helligkeit hoch zu stellen wie du.

  3. The black HDR pattern on both PS5 and XBOXSX should be all the way down. This is because it’s an OLED TV the instructions should be followed if it’s an LCD TV.

  4. I tried the demo of this game with Hgig and didn't like at all how colourless, bland it looked compared to SDR. I tried changing the setting in the game but black levels just were those raised black levels, while in SDR it was absolutely fine at default.

  5. HDR can be such a headache to get right, unless the implementation is just trash, then you cant do anything about it. For The Division 2 for example I highly prefer DTM over HGIG. My guess is it's not a HGIG game. I remember the demo of this and the area with green hills and stuff just looked bland with HGIG.

  6. Hgig also works on pc enabling windows hdr to ON in windows settings for display and in game settings. I still wish that games automatically choose as creators wanted that hdr should look like so we dont have to spend time figure it out if dtm or Hgig should be used. I do believe in near future most New games will use hgig to improve, enhance detail and color and clean the picture when in HDR. This goes for the ps5 games and New pc/series x games.

  7. Hallo Markus, danke für deine Videos, schaut man sich als CX Besitzer sehr gerne an. Hast du bei der Logo Luminance auf hoch irgendwelche nachteiligen Effekte feststellen können? Man hört immer wieder mal anekdotal, dass da zu viel abgedimmt wird bzw. das dann zu stark in andere Bildbereiche überschwappt.

  8. Das Game sieht in SDR definitiv besser aus, hab auch einen LG CX, leider lässt die HDR Implementierung vieler Games zu wünschen übrig. Grafisch macht es zwar keinen schlechten Eindruck, aber gegen Division 2 sieht's fast altbacken aus.

  9. Tach 😅 verdammt danke wieder mal fürs Video 💪 PS dein LG CX hat eine geringere maximal Heiligkeit wie mein C9 , muss ich somit den 60 Wert von HDR Helligkeit geringer einstellen?

  10. Either HDR on my C9 is broken or your camera makes the game look insane dark while for you it doesn't. Because I can't for the life of me get Outriders look that dark here, no matter what HDR brightness setting.

  11. I honestly don't get it. Unless the differences between the C9 and CX are that big. With HDR brightness at 60 it's horrible here, washed out, way too bright and ugly. 15 is where it's OK, but I'd like it much darker, I just can't seem to get that here.

  12. Es ist immer so schwer überhaupt rauszufinden ob ein Game HGIG unterstützt. Es sollte echt ne klare Kennzeichnung geben das wurde so vieles erleichtern.


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