Hope you enjoy the cheese! Sorry it took so long to get this out. Better late than never!
Build Infographic: https://i.imgur.com/SfpnMg6.png
Trespasser’s Time Rift Build Guide: https://youtu.be/FogdMt6TOmA
DEUCE’s Thunderdome Build Infographic: https://i.imgur.com/KhBp34l.jpg
5:08 – Opps! Meant to say T3 Slow Trap mod on the Trespassers Armor, not Time Rift :3
Note: This build is actually great for solo/duo/trio and carries. Although I use it as a cheese method, definitely recommend for any/all end game content.
0:00 Intro
0:55 Gear Swapping Cheese
2:08 Weapon
3:09 Gear/Mods/Mod Replacement(s)
8:44 Skills/Class Tree
9:39 Cheese Gameplay
#Outriders #TricksterBuild #NewHorizon
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Wanted to make a slow trap build but between each time of swapping out gear is 10 seconds so a total of 20 seconds each just curious if switching is saving time or not.
Playdohbear + SLOW trap sounds contradicting 😉
The only way slow trap is gonna rival time rift will be if the slow trap moves with you. Good build anyway.
Bear, what's up, man. Awesome vid as always. Quick question. I've been trying to follow your guide to re-roll mods, and have been successful with everything, except getting T1 mods when going from green to blue. Do you know if the T1 mods are set? Because I can't get all the T1s to roll, I only get like 3 variants. Is it bad rng or you can actually get any T1 mod when re-rolling? Thanks so much for the guides, man. Awesome content
Boss…where did you get that nice ass coat?