Outriders – New Loot Farm is INSANELY FAST To Get THOUSANDS of Resources and Gear!

Outriders has a new loot farm that gives out thousands of titanium, epics, and a very high chance at legendaries INSANELY fast! Plus it’s incredibly easy to farm!

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Ending Credits Song: Temple of Runha – ELFL



31 thoughts on “Outriders – New Loot Farm is INSANELY FAST To Get THOUSANDS of Resources and Gear!”

  1. Is there an easier way to get to the area or do I have to fight to get to the camp every time? Can I just spawn at the camp? Because if you click on the first part it says search for shelter and you have to fight there first

  2. I dont get it, instead of doing this 50 times, why wouldnt you just play 2 CT15 expeditions and get 144k drop pod ressources which equals to around 12 million scrap or 40k titanium? You get tons of lvl 50 gear as sideproduct aswell and probably like 2 to 3 legendaries almost garantueed. This can be useful if you are stuck on expeditions and need a certain piec of gear but thanks to rng you probably wont get it anyway.

  3. Dont use any survival mods when farming this. I had golem and the emergency shield, I literally couldn't die after killing the 2 bosses, I kept regenerating hp when shield was up and then I lose hp and gain shield again, nonstop repeat since only at most 4 to 5 can attack you at once and the rest literally just stand there. I use this method to get alts titanium to convert to drop pod resources to buy cheap legendaries.

  4. Quick note. When your inventory is full like maxed out and you keep farming, weapons go into your stash box and armor gets auto dismantle for shards. Don't forget to check your stash box

  5. I don't know who y'all are who are doing this in <15 seconds, even on comfortable world tier it takes a few seconds to run towards them, kill them and then it takes even longer to die to the little guys. I don't think I've done this in less than a minute ever…


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