Outriders PS4 Pro vs PS5 Comparison | Pure Play TV

We’ve got another Outriders comparison video for you and this time it’s pitting the last-gen PS4 Pro version against the next-gen PS5 edition. We’ve actually gone to a (tiny) bit of effort with this one to point out some of the obvious differences.


9 thoughts on “Outriders PS4 Pro vs PS5 Comparison | Pure Play TV”

  1. that's why the ps4 has lost the background details. the developer just actually deleted it so that the two consoles are somehow different 🤣

  2. Having recently (finally) got a PS5, I'd transferred all PS4 games over to it and Outriders was one I upgraded to the PS5 version (having an instant plat pop on booting it up due to no shared trophy list is also a joy) mainly to take advantage of 5 second vs 50 second+ load screens but the thing that surprised me is the PS5 version is 40GB and the PS4 one is 70GB.
    Seeing as this shows there's literally less to process then what the hell is that extra 30GB doing..?

  3. PS4 is handsome and clean compared with ps5. Ps5 has a bad personality. The shell is average. It's best to choose PS4. PS4 is the strongest machine in PS, and ps5 garbage version machine above PS4! The brightness is darker than ps5, which is to protect the eyes of players. Ps5 is brighter than PS4, which is bad for the eyes of players at night.


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