Outriders Pyromancer NEEDS Weapon & Skill Leech!

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Outriders is a looter shooter developed by People Can Fly. You will have a choice between 4 different classes and a story driven campaign and full blown endgame content. Today i wanted to talk about pyromancer and how important skill and weapon leech will be!

Xbox: https://amzn.to/3iVSm7P
PS4: https://amzn.to/2YpgCG8
PS5: https://amzn.to/3oz4bSU
PC: https://outriders.square-enix-games.com/en-gb/

#outriders #outriderspyromancer #outriderstips


9 thoughts on “Outriders Pyromancer NEEDS Weapon & Skill Leech!”

  1. i'm starting to worry about our content lol im uploading a video that is like this one that i did yesterday..great content as always guess its because theres not much to cover until the games actually out does make me laugh though seems we are on the same idea track for vids

  2. You are wrong about the devastator. He has a gear mod for gravity leap that will heal to 100% whether you get a kill or not. I never go below 75% health using the devastator while fighting Gauss. Agree with the pyro tho weapon leech is pretty essential for him.

  3. Shield maiden, skill leech and weapon leech come in handy on my pyromancer for boss encounters, as well as feed the flames. Ive never been below 50% health fighting Gauss. For mobbing, I have thermal bomb very potent that I usually heal through any damage by blowing up up the enemies.

  4. I think people are overlooking feed the flame, it's a life steal talent plus a disruption to bosses or anything doing a skill charge up. In the demo I used this and had a mod that allowed me to hit two enemies which during the mission is awesome and during the fight I switched that gest out with another one that gives my skill leach when using feed the flames is 100% more. With higher level mods this skill could maybe hit 3-5 targets which it stills health from every target plus it's a interrupt and immobilize to lay in alot more shots. Last my favorite weapon to use was a AR with builds a shield while damaging, this was better then the trickers shield. During the last boss fight I could stand 5 feet from him and tank the full fight. I came out with full hp which was more then the devastator when I was testing and the fight felt so easy because I could immobilize him so much. Just my findings

  5. What realize is that the Pyromancer is Aoe, control, and nuke class. Which means it meant to kill several enemies fast or stun several enemies fast. To kill enemies with burst skills, strong dots, prevent enemies from hitting you, and quick cooldowns. This class will benefit from cooldowns, skill leech, and status effect damage stats.These stats can only obtain from better weapons and better armor. I got a legendary weapon with status effect damage on it and my burns melt enemies right now in the demo.


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