OUTRIDERS REVIEW! Good Or Bad?! Should You Buy Outriders?

My Outriders Full Game Review! Impressions on over 200+ Hours of Gameplay. Its a great Third Person Looter Shooter with 4 playable classes and amazing abilities and a huge customization system. Is it Good or Bad and should you buy Outriders? Let me know what you think!

Outriders Legendary Farm – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J94EYvYDnE
Best Outriders Pyromancer Build – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_qPoKiPVfQ
Best Outriders Technomancer Build – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNrM5sQkIjA
Outriders Playlist w/ Legendary Weapons – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDFY6FhRwgbR3WU0P2qGHqsj5lbGTagoV

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#Outriders #Review


27 thoughts on “OUTRIDERS REVIEW! Good Or Bad?! Should You Buy Outriders?”

  1. A note for people watching this. There are end game builds for devestator and pyromancer that are ability spam machines. Doing more damage than the elemental rounds. I was in a party last night duoing challenge tier 15 (end game highest level) the drought palace (higher end challenge raid area, lots of mobs) and he did 200m+ damage than my pyromancer elemental rounds at 150m. There are pyromancer builds that you do need the exotic mods and perks but you'll be mowing down all monsters burning them alive just using abilities.

  2. I get your point on launch flaws but it’s because of that mentality as consumers that gives us games like outriders, cyberpunk, bf5 I mean come on. ITS NOT OKAY. I’ve been following you since mw2 and I love your channel brother but I completely disagree with this brother

  3. Don't buy! How the fuck can you recommend this? You still get booted every 20 minutes. Lag is so bad in multi-player its unplayable. Inventory wipes, guns sound like pea shooters, one of the expeditions is constantly bugged and you can't finish it. The game is so unbalanced. The skill trees needs to be completely reworked. The gun balance needs to be reworked. The devaststor needs a meme. The end game is mindless bog. Expeditions were fun at first, until after you run it 100 times In a row, then you want to eat paint chips. The game is going to need so much effort to get fixed and balanced, that the devs won't have time to make dlc which content is what this game desperately needs.

  4. I enjoy it but endgame is very shallow, still no fix for the 60fps bug on PC, not enough viable builds, enemies are boring as F , if i have to kill another jumping alien dog yoke.

  5. To be clear, this is a review of the game, not the games launch. The launch has been terrible, as is almost standard nowadays and its shit we deal with it as consumers. They are working hard to fix things and itll happen when it does. If you are out there playing Destiny, Diablo or pretty much any other game and want to give this one shit but play those who always have server issues and bugs, shut your damn mouth and reflect on what youre doing.

  6. Love you pwn. I tried with this game and I just don't enjoy this type of gameplay at all. I just need more depth. Not just pumping bullets into enemies over and over and over again. This one won't pull me away from nioh anytime soon. Still love you though pwn ❤

  7. The loot mod and crafting system is the best i have ever seen in any game mmo or not. That and the fun combat and skills is the reason im hooked on this game:)). One thing i want to see in the future is legendaries having random rolls so that you can grind for godrolls and maybe up the legendary drop rate a tad:)).

  8. You guys disappointed the end game can’t fend off min maxing, no lifing, or professional gamers are wild. The game is fine without extra padding thanks. Play how you want but when you rush the game you don’t get to be upset it’s over and you want more.

    PCF had it right when they shipped it as a complete game. Some of you would kill this thing with feature creep.

  9. What if they're planning a dlc with artifact/exotic gear. One step further than legendary. And similar to destiny and division you can only wear one.

    They get tier4 mods that are just passive buffs whether the gun is out or not

  10. joined a friend who got dc right when we about to get the loot, he dc and I was left but then the whole expedition just restarted instead for me getting any loot at all? wtf is that about, so when host leave or get dc, the other ppl also playing gets fucked too? wtf

  11. I'm running into issues in expeditions where it won't let me move onto the next stage because it says I didn't kill everything but then I run around the entire area and there's nothing so I have to abandon the expedition and it sucks because then I'm getting better loot from farming captains and monsters.

  12. I absolutely got my money’s worth! The loot addiction is real, and I haven’t felt so hooked on a game in years. I "accidentally" forgot to show up for bedtime a few nights because of this game (followed by "that" look by the missus the morning after).

    Dumped 55 hours in now, and done up to expedition tier 11 solo as pyro. Now my enthusiasm has gone down, but after all these great hours.. it’s fine!

    Really wish for more content though, which will send me right back!

  13. The game is honestly a masterpiece. Slowly building my fuckin god of a pyromancer has been a very fun and challenging journey so far. And I’m only on world tier 6 or 7. Just slowly enjoying the game. Love it

  14. Great vidya dude I honestly wish i could love this game. Alot of the targeting skills are just flat broken. They go where ever they want. Venators Knife, Hunt the prey… So many time i die due to hunt the prey flat out not teleporting me. The enemy would be highlighted across the room but im still just standing in the same spot. Its rough when your battling the game to work…

  15. I played Outriders for both it's story and it's achievements having made it a Perfect Game on Steam seven whole nights ago less than half an hour prior to the midnight of the day from a whole week ago and it's a decent game! I obsessively hunted for accolade after accolade while playing the demo that when I started the full game I got nineteen achievements and with the full game I worked and played to get the remaining twenty-four achievements which I'm a proud Steam gamer for doing so! I loved Outriders' side quests as well as all the hunter, wanted, and historian missions! Outriders is a 7 and a half out of 10 for me and I respect your opinion as well as everyone else's opinion reviews of Outriders both good and not so good! Outriders is one of those type of games that are not for everyone and gamers are gamers! Nice video!

  16. Sorry cant agree after having 3 inventory wipes and two of my CT-13 Characters still bricked with restoration dates unknown .You show the positives of the game which I agree there are , but atm the negatives outweigh them .


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