Outriders Review [PS5, Series X, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, & PC]

Outriders Review

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Outriders PS5 Review
Outriders PS4 Review
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Outriders Xbox Series X Review
Outriders Xbox One Review
Outriders Stadia Review
Outriders PC Review
Outriders Switch Review

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Outriders gameplay review ps4 new releases gamespot IGN
*Full Disclosure: A review copy of this game was provided to me by it’s publisher.*


8 thoughts on “Outriders Review [PS5, Series X, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, & PC]”

  1. Played it on Game Pass and can't stop playing it. I've found the Trickster is such a fun class to play with its aggressive style so maybe the class you start off with may influence your first impressions. Storywise it plays out like a b-grade dystopian Avatar but the effort put into cutscene animations seem a lot better than other looter shooters i've played. I feel you're on the money with the game being a 75, it's great with the visceral gameplay and loot/skill tree customisation but it doesn't seem to do anything else impressive outside of that.

  2. I couldn't get through the demo. So many cutscenes. I found the controls clunky and the gunplay unsatisfying. The cover system felt more like a novelty because you regen health when you get a kill. I didn't enjoy it.

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