Outriders – Showcasing Every Tank Build (8/11) – You’ve waited for it…MY OLD PYRO GUN BUILD!

This is still my best pyro build in my opinion frankly. It’s better than the other two at soloing and does even more damage on its own. And in teams it’s still arguably equal if not better. Less amount of debuffs sure than my debuff pyro BUT it still does two great debuffs (death sentence and vulnerable) that pretty much last forever on all the adds they hit too thanks to its shorter ash blast cool down and vulnerability. Finally it’s debuffs cover the whole battlefield and he immobilizes all the adds forever TOO.

Got a lot history with this build…Some of my most viewed videos shortly after New Horizon were with this build. It began after I failed to make a solid middle tree pyro build. I realized trying to turn that build into a tank going for max health using faser beam SUCKED..it’s damage was awful and I STILL DIED SOMETIMES because of faser beam stopping my mobility I’m convinced. Even with 60k health id die instantly after a beam in EOTS because all the rifts would hit me at the same time.

It was then that my techno freeze build had been in motion for a long time and I thought “Hmm…wonder if I can make the pyro the same with ash instead” but saw it was only viable in the top tree. Solution? Try too tree but still slap max health on all my gear. I realized with ash blast mods I’d have access to a huge weapon leech buff other pyros don’t get for healing so maybe it’d be good right? That’s what I thought and it ended being downright OP.

And I thought this oldest pyro build of mine couldn’t be perfected further UNTIL I invested so much into, once again, figuring out how to stack more resistance buffs on all my other tank builds realizing resistance truly does make a HUGE difference in protecting you from the most damaging attacks in game including even anomaly rifts.

Just think about anomaly rifts, beam traps, and lightning storms. All of these giant damaging abilities can only be mitigated in their damage to you by two factors: health as usual (the foundation for any true tank: more health means they take away less % of your bar), and RESISTANCE.

I didn’t think this build could obtain any resistance buffs too and figured “My meagre 10% off damage absorber is all I’m getting but he makes up for it with way more healing potential from his truly gigantic weapon leech healing and still good health and armor.”

Well lo and behold you’ll recall maybe how I gave up one ash duration buff on this build in order to obtain the last top tree skill node and Assault Master to further buff my gun damage.

But just as I determined with my other tank builds: leech healing off damage only gets you so far and ultimately it’s just NOT NEEDED once you reach a certain large threshold for leech healing.

Also my gun damage has always been the least damaging effect from this build. The vast majority of the damage is from claymore torrent getting buffed by all my status effect bonuses and debuffs.

So I made a change. Took away two of my top tree gun damage nodes as well as 6% skill leech. But in return? You see now I get another armor bonus and most importantly a huge resistance buff again. I still heal TONS anyway off my 58% weapon leech with death chains and still good enough gun damage…But NOW my armor is on par with my other builds as well as my resistance.

As usual…perfectly balanced super tanks find ways to invest in ALL the defensive focused stats in this game: health-check, armor-check, leech healing-check (leech healing is always better than skill healing because it doesn’t require kills and also can still heal you off boss opponents plenty), and finally RESISTANCE-check.


3 thoughts on “Outriders – Showcasing Every Tank Build (8/11) – You’ve waited for it…MY OLD PYRO GUN BUILD!”

  1. Im running this build. I love the thanos snap, but I find out one freeze or getting stuck I was just dead instantly. Claymore is just crazy. I need to swap in some resistance buffs. Eots the only thing I really die to is the berserkers if I don't catch them with ash blast when they spawn. Good stuff. I too am a fan of tank builds as discussed.


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