OUTRIDERS | The Current State of The Game After Update 1.04! (Patch 1.04)

Today we will be talking about the current state of Outriders after update 1.04. I do over the inventory wipes, the appreciation pack, highlights of the patch notes, and more!
#Outriders #OuridersUpdate #OutridersPatch

0:00 – Intro
1:06 – Highlights of the Patch Notes
1:51 – Inventory Wipes/Appreciation Pack
7:53 – The Blanket One Size Solution
8:52 – The Player Base
9:52 – Conclusion
11:31 – The Everything Outriders Discord/ Ending

Patch Notes: https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/

🔴 Everything Outriders Discord: https://discord.gg/6cFb5rMcyG

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▻Special Thanks to DSpikes_TheGreat, and Harris Heller (Streambeats) for all the music on my channel!


39 thoughts on “OUTRIDERS | The Current State of The Game After Update 1.04! (Patch 1.04)”

  1. Dude the player base always have only declines after launch day or launch week really yeah and then slowly declines there after and then it stabilizes which it is done

  2. Level appropriate??? Based on which character? Additionally, I can’t play on my techno. I have had to reduce damage mods for defensive mods which do NOTHING. I could clear CT15s on gold with ease. Now I get one shot or two shot. I’m now switching to devastator and grinding all f’ing over again. Half tempted to just quit.
    I’m more irritated than anything else. They level of incompetence is amazing. Seems like another Anthem. I got it!!! This is the Anthem 2.0!! Lol

  3. Use to be able to solo most expeditions T15 easily, now I can't even do the easiest one *(archway of enoch)
    Wtf is the point of grinding so hard to T15 and not be able to do anything with the loot after

  4. I haven't had a single one of the bugs that people are complaining about tbh. My game performs fine on a 1080, haven't lost a character even though I played with friends while the wipe bug was happening. Played CT13 and CT15 at least 15 times each all throughout the times people were saying drops we're nerfed and got a normal amount of legendary drops each time.

  5. Is it just me or can no else in a Australia not connect to outriders after this update cause I keep fucking getting the red box internet connection error: could not connect to outriders servers on my Xbox series x just now and even tryed hard restarting my console but no dice WHAT THE FUCK people can fly>:(

  6. Solution is pretty simple, put a gun to their heads ( not only against the devs , CEO etc etc , EVERYONE ! ) saying " fix your game right….NOW! or…you'll die with your whole family, your choice! " , trust me….the game would be fixed really fast, as long as there's not any "threat" to them….nothing will change, anthem…fallout76…the division 2…mass effect andromeda….marvel's avengers…it's like people think that being "gentle" will solve everything….nothing is solved by being gentle in those cases, if their life are in the line….they would NEVER release an unfinished game…NEVER! UNDENIABLE .

  7. I wish you luck with making content for this game. As it is there’s so many people leaving the game because the devs keep trying their hardest to make this game unplayable.

  8. I already quit the game, no point in playing a game that doesn’t respect your time. Game will probly fail in the next 6 months, next time the devs should think before nerfing loot drops.

  9. They just continue down the same rabbit hole of "bug fixing" to only create more "bugs". Also, the "unintended" nerfs to killing spree and the revive timers were nothing but that(If they were, they have the most inept coders in the world). They clearly want to increase the difficulty as people have been progressing through the bare-bones excuse they released as an "end-game" faster than they expected. They want to retain players but are doing it in the way that will push away players at a rate that will make Anthem and The Avengers seem like a success.

  10. ive been having Unreal Engine Crashes all day …a crash every 5mins…what the fck is happening….such a shitshow….can i still get a refund for this title?

  11. I'm most disappointed in them suddenly "fixing" the perpetuum mobile+minigun bug. I never knew it was a bug and made a build centered around it could solo CT15. Now I have to revamp the whole thing AND do it at lower CT to boot seeing as both my damage and defenses have been neutered since I can't keep the minigun up. The least they could've done was say something ahead of time, that it was a bug that would be fixed so I could've been prepared for the change ahead of time. Still can't play on my Pyro either, and no word on when the restoration will go through. So yeah, I'm less than thrilled about this patch.

  12. They problem is they keep pandering to the folks who continue to cry and complain and released a patch that wasn't ready yet.

    The game is only a month old. Yes it should have been ready at launch but it wasn't, either be patient or move on.

  13. There isn’t many games I enjoy. Outriders happens to be one of them. I checked to see if I’d have problems on my Xbox after the update. First load after sign in it just crashed but then loaded up and seemed to be fine

  14. They made T15s so fucking hard now. It’s terrible now. They buffed the enemies so much, why? Cause a 1% (streamers) can roll through it? Average players are punished for that 1%

  15. Good video bro totally agree with everything you said and think given back items at lvl 10 is a really good idea as long as they give the relevant resources to lvl them up. P.S still haven't got those damn gloves 😭


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