Outriders What Is This?!?!

Welcome back to the channel everyone! Today we’re talking about what I think is going on with the state of the game of Outriders. It is a little bit of a rant, but with that being said I do like the game, it just needs to get some work done to it to make it better and survive the major bleed out of players they’ve had already!!


7 thoughts on “Outriders What Is This?!?!”

  1. This is clearly their first rodeo , that’s why they having so many issues , and aren’t capable of fixing these types of things. Games got ton of potential , the root gameplay (minus all the problems) is fantastic. Content is lacking and it’s highly doubtful they’ll be capable of launching any amount of good endgame content anytime in the foreseeable future , being as they can’t even manage all the bugs and problems. Much of the server issues or sadly out of their hands , Microsoft is responsible for the servers. Honestly the game would have far less issues if wouldn’t have been cross play. Crossplay is still new and all crossplay games are having serious issues.


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