Outriders – Wow! I Was NOT Expecting This Response from The Dev Team! New Updates!

Outriders News Update – So I was NOT expecting this response from the dev team today at all. Let’s take a look at the very passionate reply of Outriders community manager when challenged about communication and more…

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49 thoughts on “Outriders – Wow! I Was NOT Expecting This Response from The Dev Team! New Updates!”

  1. I'm glad you talked about this. And I'm glad you cleared it up for your audience. The dude is working his butt off and even with a wipe on my account, I'm prepared to give him some slack.

    BTW.. my reddit name is pronounced arzan-p (like Tarzan, no t) 🙂

  2. You do know that you are one of these people reading and giving attention to these misquoted "hot takes" and plenty of times agreeing with them, you are part of the problem

    the lack of self awareness in this video is astonishing

  3. The commutation from PCF has been just amazing honestly. I know the game has issues but you can clearly see that these guys enjoy working on this game and they want it to succeed. This is their baby and they want it to grow and expand.

  4. Members in the community just need to remember these people are human. compared to other games I have played the communication has been pretty solid and if anybody has played games like this they should be well-informed that there is always an issue at launch but it does get better over time. The division, destiny, Diablo, Warframe none of these games were perfect when they first came out but they all got better over time

  5. Bottom line I'm tired of game companies not testing the hell out of the games they put out they charge us $60 for broken games and we suffer for them selling a flawed product and we suffer for it.
    I really loved playing the first 4 days the game was out but since then it's been strait shit trying to play with friends
    Connection issues are still a problem and every patch brings out more issues
    But I'm still keeping hope that it all gets fixed I had alot of fun with the Main story
    But everyone I play with is having issues with all the free shit some got but some did not I got 3 legendary that are the same that is shit more games are coming out soon so this will be deleted soon this should have been downloaded able like Avengers is the other square Enix game I really do hope this game gets fixed so I can enjoy it with friends like we did the first four days the game was out

  6. I greatly appreciate the restoration process. I did not receive anything extra on my restored character, but did receive 4 legendary weapons on my second character. No Godrolls, but it does help me. The problem I have had for the past 2 days are the constant hard crash to dashboard, and the loss internet connection errors. Not sure what is up, but it seems like the game is really unstable right now, almost worse than before. Hopefully they continue to fix the crash issue.

  7. I have been gaming for 40 years and the gaming community seams to be getting more needy more perfectionist more demanding and very childish. Sure there is issues with all games and should be pointed out but chill!

  8. Beautiful video ◕‿↼ I love it!!!
    I love this game ❤️
    Anyway I’m still upset for paying a game full price with soooo many issues, this’s just not right and on the top of it I did pay $6.99 for the Hell’s Rangers Content Pack useless items that I will never use and on the top of it is 21 items stuck in my dash because they’re lock items what the hell????
    I cannot deleted them what a shame.

  9. To be fair he's spot on.

    It's the click n watch headline title grabber that gets the clicks/views. you can put them all into a few quotes from the Ytubrs.

    Hot Take!
    The Game is Dying! (even if it isn't)
    The Devs lied
    The game is finished.

    Etc etc etc.

    Heck PCF have been more open and honest than 99% of other Devs or publishers.

    Take UBI and Massive over at the Division Franchise, they're so tight lipped they didn't even tell their own community they've stopped working on Division 2 and the game was done no more content, until they were called out on it.

  10. The arrogance 5yrs 5yrs they had to beta test this trash gtf outta here. Should offer refunds and remove it from the ps store. Nothing more than a broken mess of a game . F*** PCF! 😡

  11. Nobody is attacking the CM per se. The Game code is absolute trash. If they’re not planning to have this game being a live service game they should just fix their shit and stop nerfing the players every single time they patch something. Also there is no point after once reaching CT 15 because what else is there after completing eye of the storm once….. nothing…. game is as empty from that point on. All Legendaries aside that just change the way you play. The Goal is to finish the game….. and now? Where the content? … yup nothing. Done and goodbye. I wish I got my money back for this thing. After having to reset 6-8 times every time I wanted to play the game and then the difficulty spike and nerf-fest, they really lost me since this kind of stuff should not happen after 5 years in development. We are Alpha/Beta Testers for them.. Sorry they can GTFO am never gonna put down a single cent for anything they ever develop again. Don’t know what they would have to do Now that is all to late to get any trust from me back.

    Sorry for long post and venting. Have a nice weekend and play something else until they figure their stuff out.

    And you keep grinding and doing what you do. Great vids overall. Much Love Peace Out

  12. Ehhh doesnt matter how transparent their community manager is. They still have yet to fix the glaring issues that have plagued their game for over a month and at this point have mostly killed it. And thats ignoring the fact that this game had a full demo/stress test for almost 2 months so these long running issues are an extra unnacceptable joke.

  13. 6:35 You're at fault here, too, OWG. They don't need to be saying stuff every 5 minutes. They can get a damn weekend sometimes.

    Not to say a weekend CM wouldn't be helpful. Just saying. People are so ridiculous lol

  14. Its so sad that the gaming community has become so toxic that they are the ones ruining really good games now a days. Anthem was one good example. It was a good solid game with just a few issues. Once they were ironed out and the "fake" fans left. It turned into something really awesome. Outriders is in the same situation now with people crying no matter what you do. If they spend all there time focusing on the community they will never have time to make new content. Mainly because not everyone will be happy no matter what you do in life.

  15. Outriders is way better than star wars battlefront 2. they will keep adding to this game and it will be totally differant, i want wild costumes and customizing that always makes games like this better

  16. I think communication has been good and stress on both sides is understandable I cannot progress my story with my devastatlor, expeditions are bugged. In the middle of the middle of it all my skills are unusable and can't fire my weapons with damage mitigation the way it is I die, and unequipping armor and reapplying does nothing. I don't care about appreciation packs just make the game playable please

  17. Reddit is as bad as Twitter. Mostly immature children with delusion of grandeur demanding that the world will bow to them and their need. It's like watching spoiled five year olds throwing tantrums at kindergarten because all their wishes did not come true instantly as they wished it 🙂

    While they whine about not having information instantly, and of course it has to be the information they want, people are tortured, starved or murdered elsewhere in the world….

  18. He made some valid points, but I don't feel an ounce of pity. I come from old school work ethic where you don't complain about your job… you shut up and get it done. Every job has its pros and cons, and EVERYONE knows one of the biggest CM cons is community reaction and response. What is he dealing with that's so different from any other CM? If you ask me almost all CM's are damned if they do or don't. The best way to dispel most of the negativity received is to deliver a quality, working product.

  19. It seems like a lot of people are forgetting that this isn’t a live service game, pcf and square wanted this to be something that they could put out, then never have to worry about till the dlc. Of course bugs happened, and they couldn’t, but they still have worked as much as possible to fix things to make the game better.

  20. People have to remember that even though there are a lot of us that are passionate about this game on the other side of the coin there are Developers and a GM that are passionate about this game that are only human like you and me…. Everybody in the world needs rest from work once in a while you know what they say "All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy" and this case "Jack" is the GM, My point is everyone needs a break when they have 100,000 people ringing down there necks with problem after problem…. A GM can only handle so much verbal abuse about what ever it is they are over seeing and when they explode that's usually not a good thing due to the amount of shit a GM needs to put up with on a Daily bases, Basically what im trying to say is if the GM of PCF needs a couple days off hell give him a week off he deserves it, with out the GM and the rest of the PCF staff we would not have this game that most of us have come to love.

  21. Wise man once said "can't please all the people all the time". It's a game ffs, tolls will be trolls, kids will be kids. We live in a world where people want everything their way, immediately. Chill peeps, they will make the changes, maybe go outside and see the real world for a bit. Peace out.

  22. I don't blame the Cms they can't help that pcf released a cash grab dumpster fire. They do all they can to tell what they can. But I can't see defending something that was supposed to be a complete non live service game that is so broken and frustrating it should never have been released at all yet.

  23. I enjoy the game a lot. Unfortunately they will never be able to please everyone and toxic behavior spreads like a virus. I think PCF have done a better job of communication than most developers recently

  24. With early access games I’m more lenient since I know what I’m getting into. For example Baldur’s Gate 3 is in EA and it’s funny but buggy and missing a couple of things. So I can’t get mad at them. But Outriders came out as a full fledged game and I’m expecting little to no bugs. At least no major bugs at all since that should of been taken care of. A minor visual bug here and there whatever.

  25. I'd rather have them increase Legendary drop rate for expeditions. Yes they are short but they are long for us at the same time when you just have to go on full ,let's say 10 min with concentration. It is a attrition. It tires you out slowly the more of them you do. I'm tired of doing them for just 1 item, It is not like I'm gonna stop the game If I have all the pieces, but ultimate goal is just clear them with other people or friends without worrying for loot. I think main problem is legendary mods not only have pre-set mods but stats as well. Randomizing them and increasing the drop rate can make wonders in my opininon.
    In diablo 3 we played with full gear without looting most of the time and we did It for hundreds If not thousands of hours. I don't know why they are so scared of giving a single piece of class legendary. Seismic Helm, Ugake Otarah's cowl etc.
    Sorry for the long post but due to this problem I stuck on 1 or rarely 2 builds and It becomes extremely boring after playing some.

  26. They need to have more ppl so its not all on him with the community cause the internet is toxic man. I appreciate that the man cares but stop worrying about negative comments and listen to your ambassadors more and the content creators and community managers and so on and besides that just fix the servers. I do feel bad for PCF but they need to wake up focus and stop listening to all the hate cause this is an amazing game

  27. I believe they are honestly trying to improve the game and lauch wise is already in a better place than many looters (cough cough ANTHEM!!!). So I will give them a vote of confidence.

  28. I have appreciated their clear efforts to make progress on the big issues. This has far exceeded the stinging failure of Anthem. I was one who held on as long as possible just to get slapped with “cancelled”. That being said PFC has demonstrated to me that this is important to them and are making real progress. Keep it up guys

  29. Honestly delete this game and boycott the shit out of it and many other games, this shit is getting out of hand. the game is BAD because these "professionals video game creators" have literally NO idea what they are doing. How do you manage to release patch after patch after patch that is supposed to FIX THE FUCKING GAME, but it breaks it 10x more? These are professionals? This is literally just another Anthem. Was great at first then they started nerfing and releasing "patches".


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