Rocket Javelin Cavalry!? New Conqueror's Blade Unit: Outriders

The first unit of Season 9: Tyranny, has been announced. It looks like we’re getting more than we thought… Will this whole season be Mad Max inspired? At least, we’ll be getting some very unique units! More channel links down below!

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Outrider Announcement Sections:
Intro: (0:00)
Outrider Overview: (0:26)
What do I think?: (1:19)
What kind of game is Conqueror’s Blade?: (2:13)
The Future: (2:48)
Conclusion: (3:11)
Video made using Sony Vegas Pro 14
All music by Dark Fantasy Studio


21 thoughts on “Rocket Javelin Cavalry!? New Conqueror's Blade Unit: Outriders”

  1. While the unit may feel borderline fantasy. Don't forget the Chinese at one point tied sacks of gunpowder on arrows and shot them at opposing armies. So strapping the same payload on a javelin may not be too much of a stretch. That said, skirmishing cav with this disruptive potential can see a lot of use in a historical background but was never actually used because of the weight and logistics of explosive javs on horseback. It's the exact same situation why fire lancer cavalry never existed but firelancers did exist as an infantry weapon.

  2. If it would be golden tier unit I would understand. But blue? Seriously? It's either going to be unusable, because it's just blue so it'll do little to no damage or it'll be op as hell being great damage dealers and also blue unit. Realism aside, it's stupid idea either way

  3. i dont mind the fantasy route only because i was starting to get worried about them running out of historical units to use. i know there is still a lot out there but eventually they will run out. so adding a bit of fantasy is alright with me.

  4. No, it doesn't belong. There are still several cultures out there that could easily have units created in this game, but this? Javelins were rarely used on horseback in the first place, andhaving explosives added to it really just feels dumb.

  5. When I heard "javelin cavalry" I was hyped! But when I see their exploding javs I think it's too stupid to add, they could have done an African theme with the jav cav, or maybe even revisit the mongol units and make them more inspired by other nomadic groups

  6. I think the issue is that if you don't go the fantasy route, then eventually you start to get everything blending together. There's only so many variations on the sword+shield theme, or the spear+shield theme. So either you get 5, 10 or whatever amount of very similar units with only minor differences, or you start getting a bit more outlandish, see what the devs can come up with creatively and get unique flavours.

  7. While I would prefer a full historical setup, we pretty much visited every archetype there is already. There is still a few left but not much. Yes, there are a lot of great historical units, but in reality, in their true form, they would not be much different from what we already have and we would simply end with more of the same thing where this units is a merge of these two other units and so on. I think going towards a bit of fantasy is required for the game to remain fresh. And it's not new. The lore of season 6 was heavily in the fantasy realm. Season 7's depiction of the Viking was also highly based on fantasy. I honestly find those FGM-148 Javelins cavalry a bit at the limit however. As for being good or bad; on the first peek at the Greyhair last season, I thought they would be useless. A bit of shields, a bit of swords, a bit of pikes but not enough of any weapon type to have them take any role. They actually do just fine. So yeah. I'll just shut up until I see more. I was right about the cudgel monk though.

    Aside from my usual aversion for the concept of preordering untested stuff which is of unknown quality and won't ever be out of stock, I could not care less about it on the game balancing side. It is for the same players who already pay out the challenges on release day. (And it sometime feels like this is everyone but me.) That they pay today or in 3 or 5 weeks, they still get the unit right away when it is available. Aside from the moment at which they pay, they still get the unit on day one and I am still pissed off while I try to complete the challenges like an idiot.

  8. Been around since season 3. I stopped in season, I think it was 6, because it was just T5 cav spam. Came back in season 7, and now in season 8, I was thinking of quitting again. Because of musket bomb spam. In season 9 they combine the two things I hate most with explosive cav. GAH.

    I also think the pre-order units are predatory, unfair and pay-to-win. Sure, you could technically already do it by just buying out all the quests. Now though they are waving an easy way to instant gratification (and bypass weeks of questing) with a quick pre-order. I'm sure impulse control problem children as well as more wealthy players will jump on this. It becomes a major problem when new units are better than old units (and they generally are). I really don't like where this game is going, that's for sure.


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