Solo Trickster Timeworn Spire CT 15 Gold Time [Outriders]

Solo Timeworn Spire on CT 15 completed with a Gold Time. Outriders Timeworn Spire CT 15.

The most difficult part of this expedition is going to be the last and second to last area. Waiting for the door to unlock while defending against waves of enemies can be difficult if you’re not able to clear up some of the heavier ads before they start to deal their damage. I find clearing out the Alpha Perforators (as the Alphas aren’t as difficult as elites and are still fairly squishy) makes that area much easier so they’re not constantly knocking you off balance and stunning you out of shooting or using abilities.

The same applies to the last zone. Clearing out the bigger ads will give you an easier time when dealing with the smaller zerg enemies. If you’re using a kill build, make sure to effectively use the small mobs to get your damage boost before bursting down the larger mobs. I almost screwed myself over toward the end of this expedition because I kept killing all the weaker mobs and not leaving anything to maintain my damage boosts. Anyway, enjoy

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