TECHNOMANCER BEST DPS! Outriders Endgame Pestilence Build w/ Blighted Rounds

Updated Outriders Best Technomancer Build for Endgame Activities Like Eye of the Storm or T15 Expeditions Legendary Farms Is The Top Tree Pestilence Build …


24 thoughts on “TECHNOMANCER BEST DPS! Outriders Endgame Pestilence Build w/ Blighted Rounds”

  1. Got my trickster up to all lvl 50 gear..not loving it..started a techno character yesterday..need to get the last 2 levels to get 30 and start grinding the expeditions again. This build is too good to pass up on.

  2. A great video, as always. I am running a similar build, inspired by your older video. I've noticed that you are not using Frostbite, Armor Reduction and Critical Analysis mods (armor reduction and critical damage). Do the mods you use perform better?

  3. I'll stick to my tech shaman build. Starting using both turrets last night. If it gets hairy, just kite everything and let the turrets work. Haven't finished the story yet, so I'm sure that won't be viable if I stick with the game and push the endgame content.

  4. I believe because almost everything is multiplicative in this game it might be worth it to swap Radical Therapy to diversify that 15% a bit more.
    In my build I have my toxic turret modded to be cryo and I switched it to the 15% extra on frozen.
    Not sure what other options there are though so that might just be your best bet anyways.

  5. ➡️ ⤵️

    B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's





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  6. I hope the builds is still really solid after today. Lost 15% extra damage on the tree, vulnerability went down to 15% from 25%, and burst ARs lost 10% crit damage. My build isn't quite this optimized, and with the reduction in gold timer for chem plant, I went from being able to solo gold T15 to barely being able to solo gold T13.

  7. Why do you put points into decreasing long range distance on your tree instead of into 20% more Armor or Resistance? Not sure of the benefit to that if you’re trying to buff long and close range. Unless there’s a medium range that gets not buff I would guess.


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