TOP 5 DEFENSIVE OUTRIDERS MODS | Outriders Best Mods | Outriders Mods

Top 5 Defensive Weapon Outriders mods is a top 5 list of the best post patch defensive mods peculiarly found on weapons! Outriders is strange in the way it uses typically offensive items with strong weapon mods that allow outriders expedition survivability.

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12 thoughts on “TOP 5 DEFENSIVE OUTRIDERS MODS | Outriders Best Mods | Outriders Mods”

  1. TDP! 🥳 Great video! You're right, everyone is talking about armor mods, no mention of weapon mods. So spoiled w the renegade rifle w bone shrapnel and killing spree for my tech, will have to play around with some of the defensive mods and see how much of an impact that has on damage and clear times. Gg from a fellow Floridian! 🌞

  2. Techno dance party :- I am sure I am not the only one to notice that post patch for Pyro at least, that Blacksmith, Mitigation from Death and Circle of Power is NOT firing and that the only thing that tries to help us stay alive is skill life leech on anomaly builds……Also that post patch nearly every elite human / Monster seems to be Immune to anomoly attacks and shrugs off the Ash / Heatwave and Overheat skills or that they seem to have a HUGE resistance to them post patch.

  3. Solid video! Since the patch I've been running damage absorber and circle of power on my Ash/Overheat/Heatwave pyro. Circle of Power does not proc on multiple uses of the same skill, so 2x heatwave will not proc circle of power twice; however, meleeing 3x will proc circle of power 3x. I'd recommend weaving melee between skills while playing an anomaly based build. Also, I took the additional resistance node in the bottom class tree. I've had a lot of success in CT14/15s since switching these mods up.
    The circle of power information was found scouring reddit. 😁


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