Watch This Before You Play OUTRIDERS: Worldslayer….

Watch This Before You Play OUTRIDERS: Worldslayer…. Buy cheap games from …


29 thoughts on “Watch This Before You Play OUTRIDERS: Worldslayer….”

  1. Well the game died before it was ever playable so I doubt I'll ever play it again. The end game is so much compared to the game itself that many players will never reach end end game. Imo it's like a dead fish

  2. I paid 79 99 for the first part and couldn't play for atleast 6 months due to server errors im sure I could have played sooner if I wanted to try and log in 100 times, but this game is garbage, I still see people posting the same error on reddit, proceed with caution ⚠️

  3. I hope the bullet tracer glitch it finally fixed, that killed the game for me despite the fact that I love it 😢 I just can’t handle getting shot and not being able to see what actually shot me.

  4. Paid for original…they gamepassed it same day without notice…refund recieved for deceiving players. Played on gamepass maxed 2 of the 4 classes, played all 4. Timed endgame was bs. Farming was bad. Multiplayer was always bugging. Rng was horrid. I'll wait till gamepass again.

  5. Thanks for the info on the game, looks promising but I play it safe and wait for the first reviews. The problems the game had and still has need to be fixed. Hope they done so, love to play the game but the frustration is making me stop playing

  6. recently started playing outriders again with a friend and the connection was still spotty and there were a lot of crashes… for a coop game this really does not want you to play with others at all.

  7. Probably wait for a sale or something. Price a bit much for what's available, plus I would also have to sell my friend on this since we beat the game and end game together. But we left the game kinda meh and disappointed when we got to the the top level . So between me buying this and my friend for 40 dollars ???? Nah fam maybe when the price makes more sense. Plus we goin see how the community take to this . Patches and etc . Hopefully no bugs and crashes when it launches as well

  8. Meh ill see how it is recieved by the comunity first this time. And maybe jump back in when the dlc is on sale. The dlc should be free to make up for the state they droped the game in the first place.

  9. Do not buy this, at least until the price comes down. The campaign can be done in 2 – 3 hours. The endgame is just as boring and repetitive as Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. I will say the new gear is pretty cool. This expansion is worth around 20 U.S.D. Oh, the randomly generated endgame is a straight up lie lol. Maybe it's bugged, but yea, it's the same thing again and again. It feels exactly like Chaos Levels in Wonderlands. Oh, the movement is still janky as F.

  10. I'll be jumping in, but I am also able to admit that it's a bad deal. Price should be about half of what it is from what I can find about the campaign length. I just don't have anything else to play right now.


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