Youtubers and Streamers are Some of the Biggest Cheaters in Outriders | Outriders Cheaters

Outriders devs using watermark to combat cheating streamers
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50 thoughts on “Youtubers and Streamers are Some of the Biggest Cheaters in Outriders | Outriders Cheaters”

  1. Absolutely!! I totally agree with this they should be banned & watermark their videos. I don't use trainers or cheats cuz it takes away the fun and u don't learn the game mechanics. Good video DA.

  2. Does not surprise me at all, Those Twicth Streamers who boast and put up crash high games or they get insane drop rates on items yeah they cheat and because u call them out on the cheating guess what they will do…………. BAN YOU or one of their mods ban you LMAO

  3. Get Em DADE, EXPOSE THEM CHEATERS. GRAHHHHH Gudda where u at damn u. Outriders is around the corner and its only a demo and they cheat LMAO they must suck at the game LMAO

  4. 40+ hours in and no Legendary has dropped for me, the saddest part is that the CC's get all the say in how the game takes shape as they are the biggest voice.

  5. Wow cheaters cheating in a demo . Y’all (cheaters) need to go outside get some fresh air and sunlight. I hope the watermark is a big red circle with an X right in the middle of their screen.

  6. Makes sense… but I played over 200+ hours on ps4 and I have net over 25 legos, I don't even know how to cheat on console. Let me know if you need proof, oh and I recently got a ps5 as well!

  7. Thank you for this! It’s really a hit in the fun parts when I’ve been grinding since day 1 and got 1 legendary to drop and I see these A holes have stacks! Thank you for being a honest!

  8. Im just thankfull this is not a GaaS game.
    They can do whatever the FUCK they want, there's no raids nor PVP so if they want to cheat like little babies they are free to do so imo.

  9. On all watermark branded accounts, They should have that one NPC from the fight follow them around and incorporate a very sporadic algorithm having him randomly screaming, "He cheated, He cheated!" ROFL 🙂 In reality they could probably do that with just the audio. It's just funnier to imagine the NPC physically following every where. Me personally, I got 72 hours in the demo with 4 leggos all 4 toons lvl7 world tier 5 2 Ambervaults, 1 Iceberg, and 1 Voodoo (something or other) that assault rifle. Along with thousands upon thousands of shards and a great start to my mod library! Grinding the ole fashioned way! I loathe cheaters!!

  10. Would have to see the watermark placement. If it's not on screen while you play, an external capture card would avoid it. Otherwise you might be able to edit it out with software.

  11. Bruh they got no life😂😂 cheating in a demo? Really? Wow 😂 they life gotta be really low, the yt algorithm sucks really bad, you gotta use all types of different keywords just to get somewhat notice, man I miss the old old yt

  12. BL2 wouldn’t have been so popular for as long as it was if it wasn’t for the fun modding in it. Mods in a pve game aren’t that big of a deal. Play your own game with friends, who cares what others do.Cheater joins your lobby just kick him and move on. Why people crying so much over this, it’s not pvp.

  13. It's amazing the difference of shooting in this game from PC to console. On console weapon spread is everywhere. On PC it's almost a laser. Also the aim movement. Starts out slow and then speeds up a very bad mechanic

  14. I got a legendary in 5 or 6 hours farming a mission over and over. Then all of my gear got deleted LOL the legendary was put back on my account but I lost everything else which was a lot of blue gear unfortunately

  15. I think it's trivial to cheat in a PVE game, as long as you're playing solo, I think it's okay to mod the game, enjoy the game however you want. BUT if your a content creator you SHOULD absolutely disclose that.

  16. So many grand standing liars in comment sections these days. I like to cheat as much as the next guy, but there's usually only 2 scenarios that would make me wanna cheat. 1: I already beat the game like 2-3 times and I'm getting bored with it. or 2: I wanna finish the game for the story, but don't wanna play anymore. That said, I don't think I'll be branding my account any time soon.

  17. kinda really doesn't matter in a way, for instance, i know a big streamer that acquired tons of stuff through cheat engines/trainers .. yet turn around and that streamer just got sponsored to do a video for outriders from the devs and is showcasing higher level end game gear that is not in the demo.. so they have already technically leveled up and its cool with the devs.. so they will pick and chose who they let slide. them saying they are going to ban cheaters doesn't apply to the cherry picked streamers that have huge followings that keeps the game buzzing online

  18. Think about it.. Who are cheaters cheating in a PVE game? Themselves.. Most people have friends who they can play with. I have been playing the Demo Solo and having tons of fun.. I personally dont care if u have 600 legendary weapons, Golden titanium armor from Jupiter and in god mode because u wont be able to join my lobby. The game has setting that allow u to customize ur matchmaking. If it wasn't for cheaters using trainers, something else would be found to complain about. its just how the gaming world is nowadays..

  19. Well that's kind of ridiculous but I guess people will try anything. Weirdly enough, just an hour ago I got two legendaries to drop in less than 5 seconds, one from the captain and one from a breacher. The later has never ever dropped anything for me. No cheats here, I'm on XSX but I was stunned for like 5 min.

  20. Damn PVE game bitching about cheaters Christ that is so sad and pathetic imma not buy this game twice.

    First reason was because this game is boring but the second is because the Devs are basically saying hey they found a flaw in our system let's be dicks to them.

  21. Jesus Christ people.
    I guess we haven't learned that cheating is not a good way to grow your channel.
    Do you really need to be told that the more exposure your channel gets,
    there's more of a chance of someone spotting your bullshit?

  22. Never play with pc players they cheat in any game YouTubers & streamers get everything they want they aren't gamers ! They use YouTube & media to get money because they don't have a job lol or they can't pay for their own stuff lol they need to so kids how to cheat in games by using a pc haha I am so happy with the ps5 you can't cheat on the ps5 with your original account I am so happy I am over the 6000 euro on my account so no thanks PC players aren't pro players they click & point & always cheat so pls remove the cross over nobody wants to play with pc players & if they do they only want the mod menu to cheat ! Hahahahaha


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