Are Primaris Outriders any good? (No BS)

Greetings brothers, we’ve talked a lot about Primaris Outriders recently. People keep running them, so let’s figure out once and for all if they are worth the points and decent for a Blood Angels Army in 9th edition.

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00:00 Intro
00:30 Warscrolls
03:45 Overview
05:45 Damage
07:10 Comparison
09:55 Stratagems
11:30 Overview


37 thoughts on “Are Primaris Outriders any good? (No BS)”

  1. Great video John. I have felt they aren't pulling their weight for a while. Survivability is the name of the game and they have never survived long enough in all games I've used them. Was hoping the latest chapter approved would move them down in points but guess not.

  2. Sorry, bolsters are strength 4, outriders are t5 and vets are t4, outriders also have 2 extra wounds on the unit so how are the vets taking just as many bolter shots to kill compared to the outriders?

  3. Not sure if comparing them to VV are "fair"… But doing it the "fair" way makes them even worse… FA v FA then we are comparing them to "stock" Attack Bikes, which have more shots, more attacks, and more wounds, for 10 points less a model, with squad size limited to the same 3 max. Granted Outriders get +1 leadership from Sgt, but for 5 more points and two less shots, gets MM on all those bikes to boot… Granted Outriders will be better in melee, but really, AB rarely see melee…

  4. Great vid! Thanks mate. I personally like them. I’ve been pushing the edges with outriders and ATVs. Clearing objectives and scoring secondaries, but I understand it’s dependent on local meta and opponents.

  5. Excellent analysis BAC. I consider vanguard vets to be the single strongest unit for Blood Angels. Fast, tough and speedy. That Dark Angels don't get vanguard vets is what stops them from being a top alpha army as dark angel bikers can take objectives but not keep them. Was deeply curious about the outriders, as they are one of those units I am forever should I or shouldn't I. I think I will put them in the realm of maybe take a unit in a friendly game for funsies, but they are not a serious enough unit for tournaments for all the reasons you outline.

  6. Such a bummer.. I got 3 outriders from the indomitus box and love the models and now I feel like they're useless hahaha. Ah well, lets hope they change something in the future

  7. This is really good to know. Was heavily considering picking some up ahead of other things I will now get first. I imagine I'll have some for more situational things later on but will definitely not focus on them as much now.

  8. Do you think they will adress the melta "spam" that seems to be popular in many space marine lists now? Like a points increase to attack bikes or multi meltas in general.
    Personally as a Blood Angels player I'm afraid that either Vanguard, Bladeguards or Sanguinary guards will increase in price. A lot of channels seem to class Sang guard as the strongest melee SM option in the game and knowing how well (or the opposite) GW is balancing the game they might well increase the points to "convince" people to play primaris stuff instead.
    I don't think SM (any chapter) is top of the meta so I hope that the only nerfs are to DG and the ludicrously op raiders

  9. Just think about the best Elite slot, Sang guard – VV claw/SS – Assault Termie TH/SS & 2LC – DC marine – Blade guard. All are scattered in many comparison vid

  10. Bit of a let down when I've tried them, compared to our other options. Definitely way too expensive, and have the same problem as Reivers: They don't do anything another unit doesn't do better, so it's hard to find any real use for them. Fixed unit sizes and lack of gear options really sucks too.

    It's just a shame because much like Reivers, they're really cool models I'd love to use. But they're not just weak in the sense of "non-competetive", they're actually actively crap lol.

  11. Perfect timing! I just landed the indomitus box and was curious if I should run these or just convert them into a captain on bike. Conversion Confirmed!

    Maybe outriders are better for White Scars or Dark Angel ravenwing.

  12. I have been finding that the reason why the SM book is so big is that depending on which chapter you select, certain units are better. WS and DA would take them while BA has better units.

  13. Anyone else remember when the datasheet for these guys came out and everyone wanted to run 3 units of them? I do. It was just like the ATVs.

    For us Blood Angels they aren't great, even with the Red Thirst. They'll rip apart chaff, but guess what Death Company Marines with jump packs are damn near as fast and can clear chaff while playing Hide the Thunder Hammers at the same time. I'd have liked for the Outrider Sgt to have been able to take a better melee weapon but I digress.

    This unit is a great example of Marine bloat though, if Ork Warbikers were anywhere near as good as outriders I'd seriously consider putting together a Speed Freak list. Marine players are disgustingly spoiled for choice.

  14. I like 10 jp vv all with ss, 8x lc and 2 with heavy thunder hammer, 304 points, also can combat squad and each squad hits in cc for 20 lc attacks and 4 or 5 dam 4 hammer attacks, super even against -1 damage, chapter master rerolls, +1to wound on charge, rerolls for lc, , still having thoughts on 3 units, and some sg, cant forget the sg.

  15. Damn, seems to have gotten colder John cap and gloves or did you just have a frosty reception for the Outriders… wait… by the end of the vid, seems the answer was yes LOL. The only thing is I don't think I'd be looking at a comparison between these 2 units in the second round of combat, partially as Outriders are fast and if they've got locked up against T5 infantry you made a mistake and partially because VVs built this way would be designed to last in combat because you anticipate the unit you're attacking is potentially tough enough to survive the first round. Primarily though we are a first round of combat army and should be sending units into things we can damage enough in one round of combat, whether that's by just the unit we use being good enough all the way to suppression and say 2 units and a Character charging so getting re-rolls etc.

  16. You really seem to know your shit brother, and youve praised vanguard veterans on more than 1 video. Makes me think I should put them at the top of my blood angel list. The Emperor provides.


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