Legendary Weapons and Drop Rates, Let's Discuss | OUTRIDERS

Discussion around Legendary Drop rates in the Demo of Outriders ☑️ COMMUNITY DISCORD! https://discord.gg/Tqx8KDj ☑️ PATREON: …


41 thoughts on “Legendary Weapons and Drop Rates, Let's Discuss | OUTRIDERS”

  1. According to me , they shouldnt have put legendary in the demo… Lets be honest , this demo is not a real demo , it is the full game but just chapter 1 , since i can carry my demo achievement to full game … And people need to chill , it is just lvl 07 max . You will have around 20 more levels to gather legendary and more missions . SO why are we even making a lot of noise when we only have acces to 5% if not 2% of a product ?.. Human being human… Always exaggerating

  2. … And how the HECK has some of you put more then 100 hours in this demo , it is JUST A DEMO , how the FUCK can you have spent 100+hours on a demo that has been out for 2 , almost 3 weeks and the max level is 7 , Where do you find all this time ?

  3. I don’t know why people in such a rush to get a legendary gear or weapon. it’s going to be underpowered when the full game releases. I’m playing this demo for fun but I’m focusing more on the accolades. Like seriously people need to learn to relax the reason games don’t last his days are because people are burning them self out on it too quick And I guarantee you all the people that Will complain that there is no sustainable content will be the people that found like crazy on a DEMO!

  4. The transparency that PCF have been giving us is amazing. it’s disingenuous to say on one hand “wow!!!! they have a demo for free” and studios aren’t doing that anymore, but then bashing them because gamers are mad at RNG One of the core tenants of a looter shooter. Also you have people out there breaking the demo with trainers on PC,But yet we’re mad that demos aren’t a thing anymore sometimes I wonder if it’s even possible to please people in any capacity at all.

  5. The game will be fine. I remember when I got my first drop, I was happy as hell. My rng went cold for 5 days and then it shot thru the roof. I lost my voodo, but I got back on the grind and managed to get 6 in total minus the voodoo.

  6. I think it’s great that they have included 10 legendary weapons in the demo since there is a huge number in the full game like 46 or something in 68 hours of play I have only had 2 legendary weapons drop. The only class o have gotten them on the devastator and when I did coop with a Buddy we both got a legendary quickly probably 2 hours of game play

  7. If you’ve already put “90-100 hours” into a DEMO, you’re buying the full game. At that point your actions demonstrate that you like the game far too much to stop now. You might whine and bitch (you shouldn’t if you understand you’re playing at world tier FIVE of FIFTEEN) but you’ll be there day one.

  8. Gave up farming the legendary weapons a while back & decided to go for accolades instead.let’s be honest having the legendary weapons from the demo is nice and you can get a feel for them ect but as soon as the game comes out we will all eventually as you say be swimming in leggos & they won’t be locked at lvl 9 (although having the mods are nice to have) so I’ll wait til full release til I farm proper

  9. Honestly I don't see anyone that puts more then 20 hours in the demo not buying the game whether they get a legendary drop or not. I've got 4 minus 1 that magically disappeared from my inventory and I'm definitely buying this game.

  10. People know I believe in the legit game things will be different. Loot will drop like they want it to.. However players like me that got their very 1st legendary and immediately got disconnected not to get it…. was very angry about it. Thankfully. I have gotten others a total of 2 I did get 3 but lost one. But I completely understand this is 1/3 the level of difficulty of endgame. we shouldn't be getting legendaries we would never be building our characters to this level either. People are just stuck at level 7 have Op builds because there stuck at level 7 And legendaries are incredibly hard to get at this very low world tear. I have around 90ish hours

  11. You have a fair point and perspective of that issue but then again there are players like myself that have loved the legendarys in this demo without them it would not present to new players what the games early grinding for those top tear weapons would be like and after all if you limit it to 1 legendary then once you get it what's the point you know when I hear that there are 10 out there I want those 10 but I have played for 140hrs and am still missing 2. But this is just my opinion and I'm keen to see others

  12. I disagree with you 100 percent. If people are crying cause they are not getting a Lego and someone else is, I find it pathetic. If it turns them away knowing we have more tiers that increase your chances and even classes themselves that also increase your chances. People need to stop listening to youtubers and find a farming method that actually works for them. I'm glad they put legendaries in as it gives you taste to what's to come.

  13. I've been grinding one of the captains since the demo dropped and I still haven't gotten any legendaries yet. My gear is maxed out which is nice but I guess I'll just have to come back to the game at launch to get a legendary.

  14. Since the update, I've gotten nothing. 6 hours in today-not one. I like ARs and snipers., voodoo matchmaker and thunderbird are my goals… but at this point I'll take anything. The anomaly surge mod doesn't work on grim morrow and that sucks. I got a duplicate of that one, so technically… I just have 2 legendaries. Including the amber one. Still grinding though…

  15. People are always going to cry about something. It's an amazing game and I can't wait. If someone's feelings are hurt and don't want to buy the game good don't buy it. The community doesn't need anyone bitching about RNG not going their way.

  16. lol at 4:45, well, I am one of those – I however have found some legendaries. I've made six characters and all in all I have found 5 legendaries. Before the patch: 2xIcebergs from chest farming and 1x Amber Vault during a campaign with my 5th character, also in a chest. After the patch, 1x Migraine (from the Captain in Terra Infirma), and again 1x Migraine from A Bad Day finish-reward. The last two (duplicates, damn Murphy) I got one after the other – from the Terra Infirma went to A Bad Day and BUMM – there it was, the same again…. lol

  17. I’m one of those people who have been grinding the bosses and captains for hours and hours straight, not a single legendary has dropped for me , and I’m tired of seeing you tubers with 12 or more of them while I sit here with none, it’s completely unfair

  18. I agree having access to just one legendary would have worked well. I like low drop rates as it makes it more of an event when you so get one and feels that much more satisfying. This game having the crafting system also means your not too worried about the rolls so having a low drop rate is perfectly acceptable.

  19. Complaining about no legendaries dropping, at level 7 in a FREE DEMO is, frankly, absolutely ridiculous. Those who are getting bent out of shape by it are whiny spoiled babies IMO.

    I mean it would be patently stupid for them to give end game gear at level 7 in a free demo. Get serious people.

  20. I like the game I haven't got a legendary drop since the demo came out. Wondering if lowering my tier will make it faster to farm. Been subbing you since Anthem keeping up the good content.👍🏾

  21. I have a total of 26 legendaries a lot of dupes, triples an quadruples, but just recently got my last one need for all 10 in the demo. I have 150 hours in the game an 50k plus kills. The grind is real. But I enjoy farming them because I wanna play the game an full release is in about 3 weeks I’m addicted

  22. sour taste indeed…i still wanna play it, but my concern is that i am married with kids and cant spend hundreds of hours. so when it comes to matchmaking, are decked out players who can play 12 hours a day going to be constantly kicking me out of matchmaking because i dont have the gear they have

  23. Think in the demo…there was no reason for epics and legendaries since you cant really do anything with them. They should have expected people to farm them as much as they are. But devs are helping by continually nuking the drop rates. I've got every day since launch at least one (playing 6 hrs or more due to me having a broken leg..not much else for me to do)…..suddenly, for the last 5 days….playing the same amount..have not seen one. Devs would never say this or players would raise a stink about it. Hard enough now to get one AND KEEP IT without making it harder in an attempt to slow down the farming of them. I also think the world tier page and displaying how much of an increase the drop rate would rise once you reached that lvl is deceiving. aka goes up 25%…yea not telling you the base rate is .002. By WT15 and 300% drop rate increase is nothing when the base rate was set at less than 1%. I know they are meant to be rare but the way they're going..I'll be 90 before I get the base 10 in the demo.

  24. I was thinking this the other day. I disagree with you.. They should be in the demo and they should increase the drop rate. Give everyone a chance to use the weapons and get interested in the game. The devs should have seen this coming now that looter shooters have been mainstream for 10 years. Giving the recent looter shooter tragedies like Anthem, there's no way I'm buying a looter shooter without experiencing and seeing some of the endgame first. This is why they should ensure everyone gets to play with endgame weapons in the demo.


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