More OUTRIDERS Legendary Weapons & Armor [DEEP DIVE]

Welcome Back To Level Headed Gamer

Outriders will be arriving on February 2, 2021 and as with any looter shooter it is only as good as the loot you will find in game. So i thought it would be fun to take a close look at a lot more weapons and armors you will be able to get for each class. As well as see how they synergize together to create what seems like some awesome player builds!


#Outriders #Outridersendgame #Lootershooter


12 thoughts on “More OUTRIDERS Legendary Weapons & Armor [DEEP DIVE]”

  1. Thanks again for the video sir!

    I'm already thinking about combining the 3 piece seismic commander set whit the "bullets inflict bleed" wapon mod!๐Ÿ˜

    Do you know how the crit multiplier works? I play devision 2 and there they divide it between crit chance and crit damage, any thoughts on that?

  2. Iโ€™m curious if mods stack or will they be unique and can only equip one of them in a set. For instance equipping 2 mods that give you 2 extra impale on enemies which would be 4 extra enemies impaled hmm..

  3. Loving the ideas already, being able to maximize the damage dealt with specific skills and weapons are excellent and give us plenty of build diversity. I hope once the devs see how many people love this game they feed us some dlc expeditions or something to that affect.


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