Outriders Molten Depth Expedition on my first Character – I started as Dev for a reason – Part 1

Just to remind you this is I think the absolute best Dev build on the game in terms of both being an unkillable rock monster in any situation AND YET offering an immense amount of buffing and rebuffing to your team. Technomancers and Deathshield using Tricksters virtually never die with me between having golem on them HALF THE TIME (max the duration and cool down for that reason not simply to help you) but then having their weapon leech (inherent on every techno) doubled the ENTIRE time.

Then for anomaly builds not only do I still gift them golem half the time too but whenever we are targeting a boss together I essentially QUADRUPLE their damage MOST of the time…Despair mod on gravity leap stacks with double jump to do 4x anomaly damage actually and with a 7.6 second cool down I really do keep that insane debuff on whoever in targeting almost 3/4 of the time.

And that is also finally how this dev build can also do decent to even good damage for itself in solo or in groups. Maxing the cool down or grav leap actually helps my damage immensely by keeping that OP debuff in addition to further helping my tanking seeing as I’m also invincible during grav leap and it acts as an instant health boost with life absorption combined with the damage buff (you think I ever get T1 damage boosts for the DAMAGE? Ha…). Truthfully I only need to hit ONE person with it to replenish my entire health bar. I tested it. This is why grav leap is the best dev skill in my opinion. There’s not a single build out there that does not benefit from grav leap both from its OP mods and just inherently what the skill does.

Finally to remind you again: I use sandstorm and death chains because Weapon Leech healing activates for those damage over time mods. Honestly my gun damage itself is still pathetic. And I don’t know why in this game DOT mods heal you with weapon leech. But they do and so utilizing the statue bonus and alternating between golem and tremor is how I remain invincible always especially if I just get 1 shot off with 36% weapon leech buff.

I use claymore torrent on my pistol so it can be my best long range damage dealer when needed but also similarly heal me tons if not as much if I ever run out of ammo mid combat on my primary.

Now in my view anomaly damage mods on guns should heal you based off skill leech. That makes the most sense. I don’t think anomaly damage over time mods were intended to heal you based off weapon leech but since it’s in the game and unavoidable too for some builds I have no problem abusing it. If the devs ever change it I only help they change it so ALL damage dealing mods activate your skill leech then this build would frankly still heal tons off it anyway and I would swap out my primary for Damascus offering most likely for more anomaly damage and skill leech healing. If they just remove the healing entirely I already have another dev build I’ll use instead but lose the statue bonus to max health and health regen then use boulderdash over tremor for the skill leech healing and further invincibility, it won’t be as good frankly but it’ll still be unkillable, helpful in a team, and NOT a bleed build…That’s why I do these dev builds…to find more unique builds.

And honestly I don’t think they’ll get rid of or change what I just said in this game regarding DoT mod healing. To be frank this build is still invincible most of the time without a shred of weapon leech healing. The thing is the weapon leech healing is still needed sometimes in very rare situations where maybe I’m solely dealing with a boss doing insane damage and no adds near me which would make tremor not help top off my health anymore between golem cooldowns. Eye of the Storm is the primary example right now where I can tell I absolutely need my death chains healing when I’m dealing with 100 anomaly rifts and zero adds lol.

The fair and reasonable change would be to change it so all anomaly damage mods activate your skill leech healing in which case I wouldn’t even change this build. In fact then my gun damage would still heal me to a much lesser degree while my death chains and claymore healed off a 22% skill leech instead. I hope they change it to that one day and the last updates have shown they do in fact don’t totally nerf or remove good things. Moaning winds is still OP after all.

Anyway that’s a rant for another day I doubt will even come too lol…


2 thoughts on “Outriders Molten Depth Expedition on my first Character – I started as Dev for a reason – Part 1”

  1. I don't usually comment on youtube vids but I really like the testing of things out tried with Devastator, you sound just like me, I started with it, then when i reached post story i would start another class, and now finally four characters later the essential mod Captain Hunter finally appeared for me in Tiago's inventory, i had having to use a chunk of my resources but I need it, it can be tiresome trying to kill perferos without it, they just turn into health sponges. And of course rng wants to be a troll, I got 4 out of the 5 pieces of seismic commander set the one piece I don't have is the legs to get Tainted Blood. I feel like ultimately I want to try the 'golem bleed' build Ltbuzz made, but your builds are really good too.


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