Outriders News- New Legendary Armor Showcase! Demo Info & New Trailer

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35 thoughts on “Outriders News- New Legendary Armor Showcase! Demo Info & New Trailer”

  1. have they addressed the next-gen versions yet? they keep labeling xsx and ps5 with the marketing, so I would assume it's more than just backwards compatibility… oddly, you can only pre-order the ps4 version on the PlayStation store though :/

  2. I hope they do what origins did every peice of armor you collected went into a skin folder and also color so if you found a low lvl gear but liked how it looked you could take that skin and put it on top of your highest gear that would be cool to see for a looter shooter

  3. 45hrs of gameplay!? Damn 😂

    All jokes aside, I'm excited for the, legendary armors week. Not only to see the how powerful we can become by synergising builds, but also because the cosmetic aspect to loot is almost equally important. Having dope looking loot to chase adds to the experience IMO. Kind of like how Anthem missed the mark with the legendary weapon skins in their game. It's not only about the functionality.

  4. Please, Outriders, please be good.
    Opposition inspires innovation.
    Make the competitors step their game up, Destiny has been lacking, warframe has been lacking. These games are so stuck on their comfortable high horses and need a juggernaut to rise up out of nowhere and knock around their player base so they begin to panic and innovate.

  5. To me this game is a combo of anthem /division/ destiny and warframe. I have a feeling that this game has potential to be game of the year. Now I am glad they have pushed it back to fine tune it. Plus the demo progress transferring over that is awesome and more games should do stuff like this because whatever happened to the old model try before you buy. Now this is Quality customer service.

  6. That is what I do when I game test, or play test for EA, UBI is take notes and report bugs to them as I was or maybe I am still under NDA with them. Outriders caught my eye and so far I like it and preorder from PSN. Outriders Demo is it for Playstation as well?

  7. I can't wait to play the demo and game! That being said we also need to understand that being vocal is fine but we to also be respectful this is game that people work hard and it doesn't need to be brought down by toxic people or comments

  8. I never get hyped for anything really but I'm oddly hyped for this game. I love everything I see. I just hope they release it on GeForce Now. I don't have a console or a PC capable of handling the game.

  9. I’m really looking forward to playing the public demo on Feb. 25. If I do enjoy it, my problem will be waiting to buy the game several weeks after the Apr. 1 launch, due to the fact that I’ve learned (from bitter experience) that a full game release can be way more problematic than a relatively smooth-running beta or demo.


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