Outriders story TL;DR

i love this game


31 thoughts on “Outriders story TL;DR”

  1. I love how unoriginal devs are that they can't think of any swears other then "fuck" and "shit". Maybe a little "asshole" sprinkled in for garnish.

    I can come up with more swears off the top of my head "Cock, prod, twat". Now where's my Gamer's Award!?

  2. „How can we make our sci-fi game look edgy and adult?“

    „well, we could delve deep into serious topics like people loosing their humanity the more powerful they become, the destruction of nature by human expansion and the implications of future technology on our psyche?“

    „nah, lets just swear a lot.“

  3. The prologue is horrible. Shaky cam. A buttload of cutscenes that was immediately leads to loading screens. Why do I need a cutscene of my character jumping a cliff that leads to a loading screen? I hope they fix it on launch day onward. Probably gonna buy this on sale.

  4. In those situations you bet your ass I’d be swearing that much.

    It’s not the game trying to be dark or mature, it’s a reasonable way to talk in those situations lol.

    Actually, people talk like that pretty regularly where I’m from so maybe everyone is from Georgia


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