Outriders WorldSlayer – Best Tricksters Build Ever!! | Trickster ShieldBeast Build Guide

#outriders #trickster #newhorizon #videogames #games

00:00 Best Tricksters Build Ever!!
01:22 Best Weapon Mods you need /Gun to use
03:17 ShieldBeast Gear Set, Mods You Need
08:40 Best Trickers class tree
09:24 Pax Tree
11:10 How to keep High Damage rotation Pattern
14:09 GamePlay

Outriders Worldslayer is essentially the definitive version of the Outriders experience – rammed to the gills with all new content, enhanced progression mechanics and enough quality of life fixes to refloat the Titanic. In fact, it has so much new content and other related bits and pieces that change the Outriders experience in its entirety that we’ve decided to conjure up this guide which explains everything you need to know about Outriders: Worldslayer.


8 thoughts on “Outriders WorldSlayer – Best Tricksters Build Ever!! | Trickster ShieldBeast Build Guide”

  1. Terminal velocity set is better and it isn't even close….it is not the ultimate build the edge of time set is better than shield beast, u just need a few shield beast mods and Terminal velocity set crushes shield beast


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